Thursday, May 31, 2012

Orphan Run Sponsored By...

None other than Primus Crossfit! I'm so proud of my son and his wife! They are really getting involved in helping their community get fit! Tomorrow, Friday, June 1, is the Orphan Run in Owasso. If you aren't going to run, then at least come out and support the Orphans with a financial donation and at the same time you can check out the Primus Crossfit booth. Hope to see you there!

Right now I'm doing the Advocare MNSMax3 dietary supplement and Replacement shake once daily, and only eating two meals a day for the next 14 days. I thought that when summer came along my days would slow down and I could really concentrate on cooking mainly Paleo dishes but so far I've been more busy! I still plan on doing better in the next few days. I'm taking a week off in June so, I really plan on doing better then.

Today I had squash soup for lunch and for dinner was a hot dog on gluten free bread and potato chips. See what I mean about needing to do better? Well, it's going to be a very long and busy day tomorrow so like I said before, come out to Owasso and check out the Crossfit booth. Until then, goodnight and God Bless!

Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Lost Count!

I'm not really sure what day I'm actually on, but what I do know is that I have NOT eaten wheat since December of last year. That's a huge deal for me! I did find a gluten free bread, hamburger bun and hotdog bun that I purchased and have had several meals using these. I am being careful to not make this a habit but rather a treat! I did make hamburgers and hot dogs over the holiday weekend and made BLT's for dinner tonight, now I will try to not eat anymore for a few days.

I have noticed that since I've been slacking on the Paleo meals, that I'm starting to gain a little weight back. Not much but any weight gain back is more than I want, because I worked too hard regain it all back. I decided that I needed to start the Advocare 14 day challenge with a meal replacement, so I started this today!

Crossfit today consisted of 75 pound back squats for the warm up. And then the workout was 5 hand stand pushups, 10 ring dips and 25 double under's. You were to do as many reps as possible in 12 minutes. I did 5 reps and was on jump #70 when the time was up! Yes I had to scale everything. I would say this was a good workout for me! Well, it's suppose to be bad storms tonight, so I've got to get in bed early in case the storms get loud, so until tomorrow, goodnight and God Bless!

Sunday, May 27, 2012

Days 147-149: Time Off

These last few days have been so busy that I've taken a few days off of blogging. It is a holiday weekend and since I actually get a three day weekend I've decided to try to get things done that I usually don't have time for. I haven't really had a lot of time to cook so we've been having sandwiches. I purchased some gluten free bread and have been enjoying having a sandwich. I did make some butternut squash soup tonight and I'm stuffed! Well I've got to get back to the cleaning so hopefully I'll check back I with everyone tomorrow. Until then goodnight and God Bless!

Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Day 146: So Sore!

I am still so sore from my Crossfit workout on Monday, I can hardly walk or lift my arms. I started to go to Crossfit this afternoon, but my plans got changed so I walked for 30 minutes instead. I am going to try to make it to the 6am class in the morning so I can work out some of the soreness.

I made a very good protein drink this
Morning using some of the canned coconut milk I had left over from a recipe and a little almond milk. I added some strawberries, grapes, pineapple, honeydew and cantaloupe with a scoop of protein powder. It was very tasty. For
lunch I had left over spaghetti squash and chicken from last night, some fresh fruit and some dates and cashews for a snack. Dinner was left over grilled chicken on a Coconut Paleo wrap with lots of veggies some potato chips and a little ranch dressing, yes this was a cheat, but I am getting better with less cheats!

Well I've got to get organized for in
the morning, so until tomorrow, goodnight and God Bless!

Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Days 143-145: Italian

I did take a few days off of blogging, but not from eating Paleo! I just needed to get a few things organized and I realized its going to take more than a few days.

I've been wanting to eat some Italian food, and luckly spaghetti squash is really tasty! I stir fried some chunks of chicken and added lots of fresh herbs such as tarragon, basil, marjoram, thyme, oregano and some fresh chopped garlic. I added onions, sweet peppers and black olives then a jar or spicy marinara sauce. This was so good over the baked spaghetti squash and it really satisfied my Italian craving! I served a left over strawberry poppy salad with this dish. The salad is not Paleo because of the dressing. I'm going to try to figure out how to make the dressing more Paleo friendly because it is very good! All the other food I ate today was paleo, so all in all I feel better about what I'm eating, I just need to go down on my portion size again! I'm considering doing the Advocare 24 day challenge again, because I'm starting to notice weight gain in my stomach area again. No crossfit today, and I'm very sore from yesterdays workout. I can hardly walk! I do plan on going tomorrow to try and work some of the soreness out. I've got to start getting ready for my long day tomorrow, so until then, goodnight and God Bless!

Sunday, May 20, 2012

Day 142: Off Day or Day Off!

You can look at this title any way you want, but I'm taking the day off from blogging today and possibly tomorrow, so until then goodnight and God Bless!

Saturday, May 19, 2012

Day 141: I Ate Too Much!

I went to a graduation party and they cooked hamburgers and hot dogs, and I ate one of each and I'm stuffed! I did eat it on a coconut Paleo wrap! For breakfast I had a fried egg on a salad and lunch was left over enchalada homemade salsa and chips. Not very Paleo today!
We worked in the garage all day cleaning it to be able to get the car in the garage if it storms. I'm so tired so going to get some rest now, so until tomorrow, goodnight and God Bless!

Friday, May 18, 2012

Day 140: Even Better

Today I did a much better job with my Paleo food intake. For breakfast I ate a Larabar and coffee. Lunch consisted of sloppy joe on a coconut wrap and coconut water. I had some nuts, grapes and an apple for snacks and for dinner I had a salad with chicken. The only problem is food in and no exercise doesn't help me to loose weight. Tomorrow is Saturday and it's going to be a busy day, cleaning the garage and storage unit, so until tomorrow, goodnight and God Bless!

Thursday, May 17, 2012

Day 139: Eating Somewhat Better

Today I did better at eating Paleo. I almost made it through the whole day eating strictly Paleo, but I had a small single serving size of potato chips. For breakfast I fried some hamburger meat, onions and pepper then topped it with some eggs until soft cooked. For lunch I went to Panera Bread and had a Greek salad with grilled chicken and the small bag of chips. For dinner I made some leftover chicken topped with barbecue sauce baked some spicy sweet potatoes and salad. I had 2 large strawberries dipped in dark chocolate and boy where they good!
Gardening was my exercise today and going to try to make it to Crossfit in the morning, but it might just be a long walk with my hubby! Time to get stuff ready for tomorrow, so until then goodnight and God Bless!

Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Day 138: One Tired Puppy!

Went to Crossfit this morning for the first time in a week since I've had the sinus infection, and boy was it tough! We were suppose to run 800 meters at the start and the finish of the workout, but I did good to run 200 each time. I didn't do the 800 but I did do 400 meters each time. The rest of the workout consisted of 25 overhead press, 25 push ups, 25 more overhead press, 25 ring dips, 25 more overhead press, 25 squats then the run! I am one very tired puppy!

I did eat a little better today. Larabar for breakfast, a jalapeño pepper cheese sausage after the workout, blueberries, nuts and dried cherries for lunch and for dinner steak and baked sweet potato. For a snack I'm going to eat some strawberries and melted chocolate.

Time to get some rest, so until tomorrow, goodnight and God Bless!

Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Day 137: Comprehensive Nutritional Panel

I went to see Dr. Edwards for another round of Prolotherapy on my thumbs and ankle, and while I was there I decided to participate in a blood test he is offering to see what vitamins/ nutrients I may be deficient in. It's called a Comprehensive Nutritional Panel. I also had my omega 3'a tested! I can't wait to see what the results are!

I did stick with a more Paleo diet today eating a Larabar for breakfast, taco salad minus cheese and chips for lunch and for dinner I made Paleo Sloppy Joes. They were pretty good! I browned 3 pounds of grass fed ground beef with a chopped onion, one chopped bell pepper and three cloves of chopped garlic. I added three tablespoons of chili powder, one and a half teaspoons cumin, salt and pepper to taste. To this mixture I added one can of 15 oz tomato sauce and about 1/4 cup water. I ate mine on a Paleo coconut wrap and had some veggies and Ranch dressing and a few potato chips. Even though I had chips, I did a better job today eating Paleo than yesterday.

Since I've had this allergy attack, I've not been sleeping very well and having a lot of headaches, so I really haven't been exercising. I started taking an antibiotic yesterday and am feeling a little better today, so I'm going to try to go to Crossfit in the morning. I've got to get ready for my long day ahead of me so until tomorrow, goodnight and God Bless!

Monday, May 14, 2012

Day 136: New Car

Today, we bit the bullet and purchased a new car, Toyota Rav4, so I will have to work for the next five and a half years unless I win the lottery! Since we were out all day we ate out and even though it was gluten free it wasn't Paleo! For dinner we had the left over enchiladas, so again not Paleo! I've really got to get back to a more strict Paleo diet. I've been off more than on and I can really tell. I feel so much better when I stick to the Paleo lifestyle and my excuse is that eating out is harder to stick to Paleo and we've been eating out way too much! Well, we are going to go test drive the new car in the dark, so until tomorrow, Goodnight and God Bless!

Sunday, May 13, 2012

Day 135: Happy Mothers Day

Today was the second best Mothers day I think I've ever had! The first was May 11, 1986, I became a mother at 7:08pm with a 7 lb. 5 oz baby boy, and today because I have a wonderful daughter that made lunch for the entire family all by herself! It wasn't Paleo, but it was gluten free! If I came in the kitchen, she made me leave. It was an awesome lunch! She made enchiladas using corn tortillas, salsa and guacamole, tea and for my dessert she made strawberries with a cream cheese filling dipped in chocolate. This was fabulous! (she also made her brother a yellow cake with chocolate icing for his birthday, but I avoid it at all cost) After lunch, she even put all the leftovers away and her dad pre-rinsed the dishes to be put in the dishwasher! I have been able to enjoy this day so much and just rest and relax! I overslept so I watched Pastor Bill on line, so since it was a beautiful morning I took the laptop outside to watch him while I soaked up some sun! After lunch I went with Barbie and Ken to the store came back watered my plants and now just relaxing more. Like I said one of the best Mothers Day I've ever had! Thank you Georgia for being such a Blessing to me!
Well, I'm going to continue to enjoy the rest of the evening, so until tomorrow, goodnight and God Bless!

Saturday, May 12, 2012

Day 134: Too Many Wheat Products!

I was going to buy a can of chili tonight, but in reading the ingredients, Wolf Brand Chili had rolled oats, (not Paleo) and the generic brands had wheat. Why would you put wheat in chili? That's just crazy! You really have to read the label carefully and the wheat may be at the bottom of the list of ingredients. I see why you have to make your own food such as chili to keep away from the gluten and wheat products. Crazy!

Today and tomorrow will be non Paleo days for me. Tomorrow is Mother's Day and my daughter is making Mexican food. Yum! Today I had potato chips with my hamburger patty and tortilla chips at lunch with my chicken Paleo wrap.

My allergies are really bad today, and I really don't know why! I'm getting ready for bed so until tomorrow, Goodnight and God Bless!

Friday, May 11, 2012

Day 133: 20/20 On Weight Loss Programs

Tonight's 20/20 is on different weight loss programs and procedures people use to loose weight. It's really crazy the things people do to loose weight. They are getting ready to talk about people that have a feeding tube put in to loose weight. What ever happened to eating a well balanced diet and exercise? I am so glad that I made the choice to exercise and eat better.

Speaking of food, I did eat French fries for the first time today in about 4-5 months. I really can't remember when I ate French fries last! I had a hamburger minus the bun with the fries for lunch. For dinner I has baked chicken on a Paleo coconut wrap.

I'm going to finish watching 20/20 now, so until tomorrow, goodnight and God Bless!

Thursday, May 10, 2012

Day 132: Car Shopping

As soon as I got home from work tonight we went car shopping. Not a fun thing to do. There are tooooooooo mannnnnny choices! We have an idea what we want, but not 100% sure! While we were out we decided to eat at Baja Jacks and you guessed it, I had my usual grilled fish taco and chips with salsa. The rest of the day was basically Paleo food with a salad for lunch and nuts for breakfast.

I have another busy day tomorrow, so got to get in bed. Until tomorrow, goodnight and God Bless!

Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Day 131: Helen

I still have my cold/allergies but I tried to do the Crossfit workout today which was called "Helen". (3 rounds for time of 400 meter run, 21 kettle bell swings and 12 pull ups). I didn't do a very good job! I scaled it down to a 200 meter run, instead of the 400 meters and I thought that I wasn't going to be able to finish the three rounds but I did in 12:26. With every step I took when running, my head would throb, but I still did it, and I'm glad I finished. I may not go back to Crossfit anymore this week to give my head and chest time to clear, because I don't want to relapse!

I has a lot of fresh fruit today, blueberries, raspberries, strawberries and some grapes. Also had a protein drink with Almond milk for breakfast and after my workout a jalapeño cheese sausage from Quiktrip and unsweet tea. For lunch barbecue brisket and salad and for dinner a coconut wrap with roast beef, peppers and onions. I still need to try a little harder with the Paleo. Well, enough for the night, so until tomorrow goodnight and God Bless!

Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Day 130: Another Short Blog

I don't know where the time went, but it's late and I have an early day tomorrow with Crossfit starting at 6am so this is going to be short and sweet!

Sticking with mostly Paleo foods today I ate some nuts and drank coffee on the way to work. Lunch consisted of a beef hotdog without the bun topped with chili and I did eat some potato chips. For dinner I made baked sweet potato wedges, grilled Brussel sprouts with zucchini and mushrooms and grilled salmon and salad. I was pretty happy with what I ate today but I still could do better. Also, I noticed that I've not been drinking enough water, and that's my next goal. To drink more water daily! Well folks time to get in the sack, so until tomorrow, goodnight and God Bless!

Monday, May 7, 2012

Day 129: Not A Paleo Day

Today was a non-Paleo day! There was a luncheon at work and I had Mexican food and I had cheese and tortilla chips. Tonight was my Bunco group night and we had salads, veggies with dip and I had gummy bears! Gummy bears, you can't eat just one, at least I can't! I'm definitely going to do better tomorrow and try to NOT eat any sugar. Once you start eating sugar again, you can't stop!

There was a discussion at Bunco on not eating wheat. One of the ladies said that she read an article that said people were starting to eat diets free of gluten products by choice and not because of Celiac disease, and this was actually causing their body's more harm than good because they were not getting the correct amount of fiber. I had to totally disagree with her and told her that you DON'T have to eat wheat to get fiber, and if you eat enough fruits and veggies you will get all the fiber you need. If you follow a Paleo diet, you will get everything you need nutritionally! How do you educate people that have been brainwashed by our societies way of thinking? I would love to just know that I helped one person change their eating habits and get healthy. I guess that will come after I get my sugar addiction under control, but I will get it under control! Enough ranting for the night, so until tomorrow, goodnight and God Bless!

Sunday, May 6, 2012

Day 127: Dessert Anyone?

No, I didn't make dessert today, but when I decided to eat Paleo, I thought I was going to have to give up sweets. Sure you can have cheat days on Paleo, but since I'm not suppose to have gluten, I thought that desserts were going to be a thing of the past. NO SO! I have been on Pintrest today and have found some really yummy sounding Paleo desserts, and when I get over this crud I have I'm going to make something sweet to eat. I found Paleo recipes for cakes, pies, breads, CANDY, baked fruits, you name it and I bet you can find a recipe for it. Yum, yum!

Today I've been resting most of the
day, so we had left over roast and I grilled some baby leeks and eggplant. I don't know what I'll be making for dinner, probably more left overs since I'm not feeling the best in the world plus I really can't taste anything. Well, I'm heading to church so until tomorrow, goodnight and God Bless!

Saturday, May 5, 2012

Day 126: Cinco de mayo

In keeping with the Mexican theme, I made shredded beef tacos on soft corn tortillas, guacamole, and salsa. Not totally Paleo but still no gluten. For dinner we had barbecue beef on a Paleo coconut wrap.

I still have a very stuffy nose and sneezing. I hate allergies! They make me tired, and I don't feel like doing anything!

Until tomorrow, goodnight and God Bless!

Friday, May 4, 2012

Day 125: Sinus Pressure

About 2 days ago, I noticed I was sneezing a lot more than usual, and last night I started getting a sinus pressure headache. Today my head is pounding and I don't like it one bit! My nose is starting to clog up too!

I did eat mostly Paleo today, eating out at Rib Crib for lunch. I didn't realize it would be so difficult to find gluten free food at a restaurant that is meat based! They put gluten in their hot barbecue sauce but the mild is ok. Their fries also contain gluten. Now tell me, why do you need to add gluten to fries? So I ate chopped beef with mild barbecue sauce and a double order of coleslaw. For dinner I made a salad with boiled eggs, bacon and fresh veggies.

Time to go take something for this stuffy nose and headache and try to get some rest, so until tomorrow, goodnight and God Bless!

Thursday, May 3, 2012

Day 124: More Tomorrow

I had a late day at work and I'm not ready to write a long blog, so I will take this day off and will write more tomorrow! Until then, good night and God Bless!

Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Day 123: Family Time

Tonight we spent most of the evening outside spending family time with our almost 20 year old baby. It was very nice, especially since she may be leaving the nest this coming fall. She is considering going away to college. It was a very special time, but also a bittersweet time since these may be some of the last times we will have these talks. I really love my family, and have been so very blessed with my family! I thank the Lord daily for the family He blessed me with!

Paleo food for the day: breakfast was a coconut Zone bar then after Crossfit, bacon and sausage. Lunch, left over Curry chicken, sweet potato and salad and for dinner brisket on a coconut wrap with plantain chips and veggies. I also drank a Margarita tonight a rarely done thing!

Crossfit was a 20 minute work out with as many reps as possible of 400 meter run, 10 pull ups and 15 thrusters. I did ring rows and my weight for thrusters was 35 pounds, and I did 3 reps. Starting to feel sore! Getting ready to take a nice long shower to sooth the soreness, so until tomorrow, goodnight and God Bless!

Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Day 122: The Great Outdoors

I decided to take a few minutes and enjoy the beautiful weather outside this evening. While I'm sitting here in my rocker on the patio I'm enjoying the sounds of the chirping birds and some ducks just flew over its very peaceful! I just read an article someone posted on Facebook about a guy that has been eating Paleo for about three years on and off. He started eating Paleo when he joined Crossfit and noticed a difference and lost weight, but he was running in a Marathon and thought he needed more starches so he went off his Paleo diet. He noticed a weight gain and over all started feeling sluggish and didn't perform as well as he had hoped. He went back on a Paleo diet while training for another Marathon and ate more sweet potatoes while sticking to the Paleo diet and said he performed better. He also said that it was easier to go back to eating Paleo the second time, and I have found this to be true. When I started eating Paleo about one year ago, it was really hard giving up my unhealthy food items, but over time I finally did. After a few months and noticing a weight loss I started eating the wrong things again not thinking it would hurt me, but I did start gaining weight again and feeling sluggish and I knew that wasn't the type of life I want to live, so in January I started a strict Paleo diet for 30 days, and it was a little easier not eating the things I shouldn't plus I had set my mind to this goal. I have now been following a mostly Paleo diet for the last 122 says, but I do have my cheats, like tortilla chips, an occasional potato chip, chocolate (usually dark chocolate) and cream in my coffee, and other non-Paleo dishes but NO gluten or wheat! I'm going to keep pressing on!

Tonight was Brazilian Curry Chicken and it was very good. I love curry and its spicy flavor! Not energy one likes curry, I have found that its a love/hate relationship with people. You either love it or hate it, there is no in between. Well, I've set out of Crossfit the last few days and am planning on going tomorrow and I've got to get things ready, so until tomorrow, goodnight and God Bless!