Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Days 143-145: Italian

I did take a few days off of blogging, but not from eating Paleo! I just needed to get a few things organized and I realized its going to take more than a few days.

I've been wanting to eat some Italian food, and luckly spaghetti squash is really tasty! I stir fried some chunks of chicken and added lots of fresh herbs such as tarragon, basil, marjoram, thyme, oregano and some fresh chopped garlic. I added onions, sweet peppers and black olives then a jar or spicy marinara sauce. This was so good over the baked spaghetti squash and it really satisfied my Italian craving! I served a left over strawberry poppy salad with this dish. The salad is not Paleo because of the dressing. I'm going to try to figure out how to make the dressing more Paleo friendly because it is very good! All the other food I ate today was paleo, so all in all I feel better about what I'm eating, I just need to go down on my portion size again! I'm considering doing the Advocare 24 day challenge again, because I'm starting to notice weight gain in my stomach area again. No crossfit today, and I'm very sore from yesterdays workout. I can hardly walk! I do plan on going tomorrow to try and work some of the soreness out. I've got to start getting ready for my long day tomorrow, so until then, goodnight and God Bless!

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