Saturday, May 12, 2012

Day 134: Too Many Wheat Products!

I was going to buy a can of chili tonight, but in reading the ingredients, Wolf Brand Chili had rolled oats, (not Paleo) and the generic brands had wheat. Why would you put wheat in chili? That's just crazy! You really have to read the label carefully and the wheat may be at the bottom of the list of ingredients. I see why you have to make your own food such as chili to keep away from the gluten and wheat products. Crazy!

Today and tomorrow will be non Paleo days for me. Tomorrow is Mother's Day and my daughter is making Mexican food. Yum! Today I had potato chips with my hamburger patty and tortilla chips at lunch with my chicken Paleo wrap.

My allergies are really bad today, and I really don't know why! I'm getting ready for bed so until tomorrow, Goodnight and God Bless!

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