Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Day 138: One Tired Puppy!

Went to Crossfit this morning for the first time in a week since I've had the sinus infection, and boy was it tough! We were suppose to run 800 meters at the start and the finish of the workout, but I did good to run 200 each time. I didn't do the 800 but I did do 400 meters each time. The rest of the workout consisted of 25 overhead press, 25 push ups, 25 more overhead press, 25 ring dips, 25 more overhead press, 25 squats then the run! I am one very tired puppy!

I did eat a little better today. Larabar for breakfast, a jalapeƱo pepper cheese sausage after the workout, blueberries, nuts and dried cherries for lunch and for dinner steak and baked sweet potato. For a snack I'm going to eat some strawberries and melted chocolate.

Time to get some rest, so until tomorrow, goodnight and God Bless!

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