Sunday, May 13, 2012

Day 135: Happy Mothers Day

Today was the second best Mothers day I think I've ever had! The first was May 11, 1986, I became a mother at 7:08pm with a 7 lb. 5 oz baby boy, and today because I have a wonderful daughter that made lunch for the entire family all by herself! It wasn't Paleo, but it was gluten free! If I came in the kitchen, she made me leave. It was an awesome lunch! She made enchiladas using corn tortillas, salsa and guacamole, tea and for my dessert she made strawberries with a cream cheese filling dipped in chocolate. This was fabulous! (she also made her brother a yellow cake with chocolate icing for his birthday, but I avoid it at all cost) After lunch, she even put all the leftovers away and her dad pre-rinsed the dishes to be put in the dishwasher! I have been able to enjoy this day so much and just rest and relax! I overslept so I watched Pastor Bill on line, so since it was a beautiful morning I took the laptop outside to watch him while I soaked up some sun! After lunch I went with Barbie and Ken to the store came back watered my plants and now just relaxing more. Like I said one of the best Mothers Day I've ever had! Thank you Georgia for being such a Blessing to me!
Well, I'm going to continue to enjoy the rest of the evening, so until tomorrow, goodnight and God Bless!

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