Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Day 122: The Great Outdoors

I decided to take a few minutes and enjoy the beautiful weather outside this evening. While I'm sitting here in my rocker on the patio I'm enjoying the sounds of the chirping birds and some ducks just flew over its very peaceful! I just read an article someone posted on Facebook about a guy that has been eating Paleo for about three years on and off. He started eating Paleo when he joined Crossfit and noticed a difference and lost weight, but he was running in a Marathon and thought he needed more starches so he went off his Paleo diet. He noticed a weight gain and over all started feeling sluggish and didn't perform as well as he had hoped. He went back on a Paleo diet while training for another Marathon and ate more sweet potatoes while sticking to the Paleo diet and said he performed better. He also said that it was easier to go back to eating Paleo the second time, and I have found this to be true. When I started eating Paleo about one year ago, it was really hard giving up my unhealthy food items, but over time I finally did. After a few months and noticing a weight loss I started eating the wrong things again not thinking it would hurt me, but I did start gaining weight again and feeling sluggish and I knew that wasn't the type of life I want to live, so in January I started a strict Paleo diet for 30 days, and it was a little easier not eating the things I shouldn't plus I had set my mind to this goal. I have now been following a mostly Paleo diet for the last 122 says, but I do have my cheats, like tortilla chips, an occasional potato chip, chocolate (usually dark chocolate) and cream in my coffee, and other non-Paleo dishes but NO gluten or wheat! I'm going to keep pressing on!

Tonight was Brazilian Curry Chicken and it was very good. I love curry and its spicy flavor! Not energy one likes curry, I have found that its a love/hate relationship with people. You either love it or hate it, there is no in between. Well, I've set out of Crossfit the last few days and am planning on going tomorrow and I've got to get things ready, so until tomorrow, goodnight and God Bless!

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