Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Lost Count!

I'm not really sure what day I'm actually on, but what I do know is that I have NOT eaten wheat since December of last year. That's a huge deal for me! I did find a gluten free bread, hamburger bun and hotdog bun that I purchased and have had several meals using these. I am being careful to not make this a habit but rather a treat! I did make hamburgers and hot dogs over the holiday weekend and made BLT's for dinner tonight, now I will try to not eat anymore for a few days.

I have noticed that since I've been slacking on the Paleo meals, that I'm starting to gain a little weight back. Not much but any weight gain back is more than I want, because I worked too hard regain it all back. I decided that I needed to start the Advocare 14 day challenge with a meal replacement, so I started this today!

Crossfit today consisted of 75 pound back squats for the warm up. And then the workout was 5 hand stand pushups, 10 ring dips and 25 double under's. You were to do as many reps as possible in 12 minutes. I did 5 reps and was on jump #70 when the time was up! Yes I had to scale everything. I would say this was a good workout for me! Well, it's suppose to be bad storms tonight, so I've got to get in bed early in case the storms get loud, so until tomorrow, goodnight and God Bless!

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