Monday, May 7, 2012

Day 129: Not A Paleo Day

Today was a non-Paleo day! There was a luncheon at work and I had Mexican food and I had cheese and tortilla chips. Tonight was my Bunco group night and we had salads, veggies with dip and I had gummy bears! Gummy bears, you can't eat just one, at least I can't! I'm definitely going to do better tomorrow and try to NOT eat any sugar. Once you start eating sugar again, you can't stop!

There was a discussion at Bunco on not eating wheat. One of the ladies said that she read an article that said people were starting to eat diets free of gluten products by choice and not because of Celiac disease, and this was actually causing their body's more harm than good because they were not getting the correct amount of fiber. I had to totally disagree with her and told her that you DON'T have to eat wheat to get fiber, and if you eat enough fruits and veggies you will get all the fiber you need. If you follow a Paleo diet, you will get everything you need nutritionally! How do you educate people that have been brainwashed by our societies way of thinking? I would love to just know that I helped one person change their eating habits and get healthy. I guess that will come after I get my sugar addiction under control, but I will get it under control! Enough ranting for the night, so until tomorrow, goodnight and God Bless!

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