Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Day 66: Fat Tuesday

Today, looking around at all the people at the hospital where I work, visitors and employees, I began to notice that the majority of them are more than 50 pounds over weight. What's really sad is the nursing staff is one of the biggest offenders of being overweight. The sad reality is that a year ago I too was almost 50 pounds overweight (more like 40 pounds but still too much)and I work in the the medical field. I have gone from 170 to 147 since last June. My goal is to weigh a healthy amount and if that is to stay at the weight I am now, but healthy, so be it! I would like to weigh 130, but I just want to be healthy! I'm very glad that I found the Paleo diet and decided to follow it strictly for the last 66 days, I only wish that I could open the eyes of others where I work and help them become healthy too!

Food for the day:
Breakfast Larabar
Lunch: curry chicken salad on a curry Paleo wrap
Snack: pecans and dried cherries
Dinner: Hawaiian hamburger on a curry Paleo wrap (see attached picture)

Exercise: 50 squats 5 pull ups
Once again not much but at least it's something. Yesterday I did a 3 mile walk!
Until tomorrow, goodnight and God Bless!

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