Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Day 87: Georgia Made Dinner...

And it was Awesome! Not because I didn't have to cook after a long day at work, but it was excellent, and it was Paleo as well! She made a lemon shrimp dish and a salad with strawberries and a poppy seed dressing. I loved it so much that I ate enough for 2 people. It might have been Paleo, but my portion size wasn't! For lunch I had smoked sausage with peppers and onions. I didn't have breakfast today, but I ate enough the rest of the day I'm sure I had an over abundance of calories today. I also finished off the banana bread I made this weekend. Tomorrow I'm going to have to watch what I eat and eat a lot less! Yes, you can get fat eating a Paleo diet! It's just like any other food, too much food equals too many calories and weight gain!

I went into work late today, and it was nice being home this morning. I went in this afternoon because I had a late evening meeting and really didn't want to be at work 11 hours today, so staying home and going in late was a welcomed change. I was able to do a little banking this morning and even did a little laundry. All in all this was a nice change! I'm still having the pain in my mouth from the dry socket and it's not letting me sleep even with the pain medication, so getting to sleep in a little later was also a welcomed change. Getting home from work this evening at 8:30 to a great meal was the most welcomed thing of the day! I really appreciated Georgia for doing this for me and like I said, she did an awesome job! This was one of the best meals I've had in a long time. Thanks Georgia, I love you! Well it's late, so until tomorrow, goodnight and God Bless!

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