Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Day 73: Beef Part Two

Amazing weather, beautiful steak to put on the grill and you have one very satisfied family! My grass fed beef I ordered was well worth the wait! It was tender and juicy and awesome! I cooked 3 steaks, but Georgia ended up making other plans and George and I were only able to eat one of the steaks, so I'm looking forward to leftovers tomorrow for lunch! Along with the steak I grilled some sweet potatoes and we had the leftover wilted spinach with bacon and a salad. I'm stuffed!

Other food for the day a bite of banana and cashew butter. I got too busy at work to eat. For lunch I had a salad with grilled chicken from Panara Bread. We had a drug rep bring us lunch today, thankfully she brought something
I could eat.

Exercise for the day, 50 sit ups and 50, 15 lb kettle bell swings. I also did some gardening so I consider that a little exercise too.

I'm so blessed with my family being supportive of my diet change, and encouraging me through this. Hopefully I'll get all caught up at work by the end of next week that I'll have more time and energy to exercise more and to feel like blogging more Paleo information to help others learn more about this way of eating. Until tomorrow goodnight and God Bless!

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