Friday, March 30, 2012

Day 90: Three Months

I can't believe I've actually gone three months and no wheat/gluten products. Oh, there were times I totally wanted to take a huge bite out of a yeasty, doughy, sweet cinnamon roll, but I didn't and I'm so proud of myself! It's more of a pain trying to find things that are gluten free than actually not eating gluten. I really don't miss it until I smell fresh bread baking, then I miss it!

Tomorrow is power cooking day! What is power cooking you ask? It's where you cook as many meals as possible in one day, sealing them in some type of freezer container, freeze the cooked food ready to eat by just heating up. I'm doing this power cooking not for me, but for my son and his wife. They are so busy with the Crossfit gym, school and work they don't have time to cook a good Paleo dinner, so they've been eating out a lot and that's not the healthiest and can get expensive. I love to cook and I've got some really exciting new recipes to try. I can't wait to start cooking! Got to get ready for the day tomorrow, so until then, goodnight and God Bless!

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