Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Day 88: Getting Pumped

Ok, so I'm trying to psych myself up to start strong and hard on doing CrossFit again on a regular basis. So far I'm psyching myself out of it! I'm not going to give in to my laziness, I'm not going to give into my laziness, I'm not going to give into my laziness! Maybe if I say it enough times I'll start being more motivated. Today I walked for 30 minutes and did a few pull ups. I really think that once my mouth stops hurting and my colitis settles down some, exercising would be so easy! It's really hard to exercise when you are in pain, at least that's how I feel. My mouth is hurting all the way into my ear causing me so much pain and my jaw throbs when I bend over, making exercising more painful than I want to experience that's why I'll keep walking until the mouth is healed. Also, since the colitis is flaring up, sometimes the bathroom just isn't close enough and trying to exercise when you have major stomach cramping is miserable! Even though I'm having these issues, I'm still trying to pump myself up to get motivated! I'm going to do it, just like I've set my mind to eat no gluten and mostly Paleo for the last 88 days. Encouragement is what we all need from each other! So here goes: You can do it, you're awesome, I'm proud of you! Remember, you can do all things through Christ Jesus who strengthens you! This is my motivation!

Food today, banana for breakfast, salad at lunch, yes, I cheated by eating a peppermint patty candy bar, for dinner I made a mini Mexican meatloaf stuffed inside a sweet pepper and spicy baked sweet potatoes, and a pepper coleslaw. I finished up the night with some melted dark chocolate, raspberries, strawberries and banana. Now I'm going to try to get some rest if my mouth will only cooperate, so until tomorrow, goodnight and God Bless

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