Thursday, March 8, 2012

Day 68: Over Time!

Thank God that I had the foresight to freeze some chili a few months ago, because I had to work over tonight and wasn't looking forward to coming home late and cooking. I called up the hubby, had him set out the chili to thaw, and he had it hot and ready when I got home from work. It's a blustery cold day and chili was a good choice of food! The chili was Paleo but I did eat Frito's with it. After dinner I had some strawberries with chocolate. Chocolate always taste good after a spicy meal!

After a long stressful day at the office I came home, showered, ate dinner and then plopped myself down to relax. I'm so physically tired from the day that I don't think I could exercise if I wanted too! Sometimes you just need to do absolutely nothing and tonight is one of those times for me!

These next few weeks are going to be longer days at work so blogs will be shorter, so on that note, until tomorrow, goodnight and God Bless!

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