Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Day 60: Two Months And Still Going Strong

I've made it two months with no gluten products. This is an accomplishment that I'm very proud of! This hasn't been an easy journey and I know that I'm still in the battle, and will be for the rest of my life, because there is tempting pastries, cakes, breads, etc almost everywhere you go. We walked in SAMs the other day and they had just finished baking some cakes and the smell was all through the store. Temptation! I'm so glad that I'm not on this journey alone, I have a Savior who is carrying me through this and His name is Jesus! When I walk past a vending maching, I look at the stuff in there differently than I used too. I look and say to myself, what in here is NOT laden with gluten or corn syrup, and know that the answer is going to be nothing. The sad thing is, I work in a hospital where health should be number one! Enough of my soap box for the night, on a brighter note, the Paleo Summit is still going on. I only got to listen to one speaker today and really enjoyed the speaker. His name was Matt Lalonde, and he was very interesting. One thing he said is so true, they should come up with a new name for the diet instead of Paleo, because when you tell people that is how you are eating you get strange remarks and looks. I'm going to try to come up with a name!:)

Breakfast, two pieces of sausage
Snack: pecans and cherries
Lunch, left over lasagna from yesterday's dinner and salad
Dinner, spinach salad, avocado, and shrimp
Snack strawberries and melted chocolate ( yes I know I need to stop eating this much fruit and chocolate!)

Exercise went on a 30 minute walk to enjoy this beautiful weather we are having. On that note, my heart and prayers go out to everyone that lost loved ones and received damage to their homes last night during the tornado's. Until tomorrow, goodnight and God Bless!

Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Day 59: Third Day of the Paleo Summit

I've spent the last 2 hrs listening to the Paleo Summit, and I still have another hour to go. The last topic was on gluten sensitivity, which I was just recently told that I have, so this was a topic that I really needed to hear. Dr. O'Bryan was the speaker for this. He said that most people over the age of 50 are gluten sensitive. He also said that children diagnosed with ADD if put on a gluten free diet will show improvement. This summit is 8 days long, so my blogs will be short, especially since I have to go to work then listen to the speakers after I get home.

I made a lasagna type dish tonight using eggplant for the noodles. I browned bison, then added a small onion and continued to cook until the onions were cooked. I added garlic powder, salt and pepper and Italian seasoning to the cooked meat. Then peeling and thinly sliced eggplant, I got some spaghetti sauce put a little down in the baking dish then put a layer or the eggplant then some meat mixture and some fresh sliced mushrooms then more sauce. I repeated the layers ending with a layer or eggplant ontop and more sauce. I cooked it in a 350 degree oven for 1hr until the eggplant was tender. I served it with a salad.

Back to the last hour of the summit for the night. Until tomorrow, goodnight and God Bless!

Monday, February 27, 2012

Day 58: Day 2 of the Paleo Summit

I signed up for a Paleo Summit, and today is day 2. I had to miss one session and really wish I could have listened to it, but I only had until noon to hear it and I was so busy at work I couldn't listen. I heard Dr. Jack Kruse when I got home and I have two more sessions to listen to, so I'm making this a quick blog. Dr. Kruse was very interesting and I'll share more in a later blog, but one thing I'm glad I heard him say is that Cholesterol is NOT a bad thing, so if you have high Cholesterol, don't worry. Dr. Kruse was over weight and started a Paleo life style. You can check out Dr. Kruse on his blog, so go look him up!

Today I had a Paleo pancake with almond butter for breakfast, a ham sandwich with a Paleo coconut wrap, sweet potato chips, strawberries for lunch, and For dinner baked chicken, sweet potato fries and salad. Snack raspberries and chocolate chips.

I did 100 squats and 10 pull ups for exercise. Not much but it was something!

Going to get back to the summit, so until tomorrow, goodnight and God Bless!

Sunday, February 26, 2012

Day 57: Coconut Wraps for Sandwiches, Yeah!

I think the only thing that I've really been missing is some sort of bread for sandwiches. I finally found on line a wrap that is made with coconut flour, and tried it out this evening for a bacon, lettuce and tomato sandwich. I really liked it! It held up well, not tearing. This is something that I will continue to order. I also found a bread recipe that I'm going to make, but I didn't have enough eggs so it will have to wait until another day!

I made a really delicious Blueberry muffin this morning for breakfast. For the recipe go to:
This recipe will definitely be one I make time and time again.

We went out shopping today so had lunch out. We went to Smash Burger, where I got a hamburger no bun and sweet potato fries seasoned with olive oil and rosemary. They are very good fries!

Today for a snack we had raspberries and strawberries with melted semi sweet chocolate chips for dipping.

Back to the grind stone tomorrow, so until then, goodnight and God Bless!

Saturday, February 25, 2012

Day 56: Dinner and a Movie

Tonight we are going to go out with the Primus CrossFit group. Dinner and a movie, I can't wait! Baja Jacks, my favorite! Fish tacos are calling my name, yum! Yum! This morning I went to my great nieces birthday party. They had some really tempting things there to eat and luckly they had fresh fruit, so the day was saved. For lunch I made salmon patties, mashed cauliflower, and salad. This made up for the lack of food this morning! I won't be posting later tonight since it will be late when we get home, but I know for fact, that I will have the grilled fish tacos and tortilla chips. I might even consider having popcorn at the movies! :)

Today was laundry day, yuck! Since I went to the birthday party this morning then came home made lunch and started laundry, and I'm getting ready to go out for the night, I really didn't take time to exercise today.

Salmon Patties
Cooked salmon
1 TBSP dill weed
1/4 c chopped onion
1/4 c chopped celery
1 egg
unsweeted grated coconut flakes

Mix first five ingredients together, gradually add coconut flakes until the salmon will make a patty. Fry in coconut oil until brown on both sides. Enjoy!

May the rest of this day be a blessing to you, until tomorrow, goodnight and God Bless!

Friday, February 24, 2012

Day 55: Prolotherapy

I went to see Dr. Edwards again for another Prolotherapy injection in my thumbs and my ankle. I can tell such a difference since I started these injections! You can visit his facebook page to learn more about this type of treatment and how is works, and if it can work for you, go to: Dr. Edwards also supports Paleo diet, and CrossFit.

I was able to make a good breakfast this morning because I woke up early. I made Paleo pancakes, and bacon. For lunch I had a cheat of Fritos. There was a chili fund raiser and they served corn chips with it. I had a few pumpkin seeds for a snack, and for dinner I had left over spaghetti squash and salad. For a snack I made an almond butter stuffed banana with melted chocolate, coconut and pecan topping. It satisfied the sweet tooth and was a little healthy too! It's going to be a busy day tomorrow. Birthday party in the morning, dinner & movie tomorrow night with the Crossfit group! I think it's going to be a fun day! Until tomorrow, goodnight and God Bless!

Thursday, February 23, 2012

Day 54: Already Blown Lent!

OK, so you know I said that I was going to give up the "I can’t attitude for Lent"? Well, I already blew it. Today I was going to do the 7 minutes of burpee’s to practice for the CrossFit Games and to help me decide if I was even going to sign up for the games. Well, after only 3 Burpee’s I thought that I was going to die! How the heck can I compete in the CrossFit games if I can’t do more than 3 before I’m ready to quit? OMG, how did that little girl do over 120 in 7 minutes on that video? I’m such a competitive person and I HATE to loose and I definitely know that I would NOT do very well if I participate, so I’ve made my decision. I’m going to wait until next year and see if I’ve improved enough to try and not come in last! I did go on to complete a total of 10 burpees before I totally gave up. The remainder of my workout consisted of: 50 sit ups, 50 push ups, and 50 squats. Since I donated blood this past weekend I just haven’t been up to par on my exercise routine, so I’ve decided to take it slow and easy just like the tortoise.
Food for the day:
Breakfast: Scrambled eggs and bacon
Lunch: Tuna salad, fresh veggies and grapes and strawberries
Dinner: Spicy Rubbed Salmon, grilled butternut squash and tossed salad
No snacking today, Yea!
Yes, you can gain weight eating Paleo and I’ve got to start watching the amount of snacking I’m doing, and hold off on making anymore cookies for a few weeks!
Spicy Rub
1TBSP Chili powder
1TBSP Coconut sugar (I’m not sure if this is considered Paleo but I used it any way. You can find it a Reasor’s)
1 tsp garlic powder
½ tsp sea salt
1/8 tsp Cayenne pepper
½ tsp cinnamon
½ tsp course ground pepper
½ tsp cumin
mis all ingredients well. Sprinkle on raw salmon, let set 30 minutes before cooking. Wrap salmon in foil and either grill or bake in 350 degree oven until it flakes when tested with a fork
Grilled Butternut Squash
Peel lice and see a butternut squash. Slice in ½ inch slices, drizzle with olive oil and sprinkle with sea salt. Grill covered for 15 minutes then turn and grill another 15 minutes or until soft.
I hope that your family will enjoy these recipes! Until tomorrow, goodnight and God Bless!

Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Day 52: Spring Fever

I have spring fever today, and don't want to blog, so I'll tell you tomorrow about today! :) until then goodnight and God Bless!

Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Day 52: What to give up for Lent

Tomorrow is the day you are suppose to give up something for Lent! You do this for 40 days. Well, for the last 52 days I've given up wheat, sugar, pop, you name it, if it's bad for you I've given it up. So what can I give up for Lent? I think I'll try to give up speaking negative things! I'll try to only speak words of encouragement, and have the attitude of I CAN, not I can't! How's that for giving up something for lent?

Breakfast: Advocare Spark drink and a cookie:)
Snack: pumpkin seeds
Lunch: NOT Paleo baked potato, with butter, sour cream, chili, cheesy broccoli and two more cookies (FYI: I took the cookies to work today for the luncheon we had so the are all GONE!)
Snack: apple
Dinner: baked breaded flounder, squash fries, salad and a little left over cabbage with bacon

Breaded Baked Flounder
Take some almond flour and season with, garlic powder, pepper, and red pepper mixing to distribute seasoning through flour. In another dish, take an egg, a little cream and a dash of Tobassco sauce, mix vigorously. Dip flounder in egg mixture, then in the flour mixture coating well. Place on a baking dish, baking in a 350 degree oven until coating is golden

Butternut Squash Fries
Butternut squash
Sea salt

Slice squash into fries, place on a baking sheet, sprinkle with sea salt, bake in a 425 degree oven. When fries start to brown they are done.

Note: theses fries shrink. I thought that I had enough on my baking sheet because they were crowded when I put them on but they shrunk so we didn't have a lot to share. Next time I'll know! These fries were very good, a little chewy but had a very good flavor. I will definitely make these again, but next time I'll make sure to make more!

Today my husband and I went for a walk for my exercise. I had a busy day at work, so I wasn't really up to doing a tough exercise workout, there's always tomorrow for that! Until tomorrow, goodnight and God Bless!

Monday, February 20, 2012

Day 51: To Compete Or Not To Compete, That Is The Question!

Ok, so the Crossfit games are coming up, and I see lots of people signing up, and being the competitive person that I am,(yes, Sean gets that from me!) I want to sign up too. Hold up, there is one issue, I suck when it comes to the WODs they will be having us do! I can't do anything to scale, so I basically wouldn't really be competing! I couldn't even say that I competed. I could say I signed up and payed my fee, but I didn't complete the WODs, so, do I dare? I'm going to have to put some thought into this! On that note my workout today consisted of 200 single jump ropes and 100 kettle bell swings using a 20lb kettle bell.

I was bad today!
Breakfast: banana and yes 2 Paleo chocolate chip cookies :)
Lunch: tossed salad with boiled eggs
Dinner: spaghetti squash with Italian sausage, bell peppers, onions, mushrooms and a spinach salad
Snack: yes, 3 more chocolate chip cookies :(

I'm going to try to NOT eat that many cookies tomorrow, but they sure are good! Until tomorrow, goodnight and God Bless!

Sunday, February 19, 2012

Day 50: Cheat Day

Today, I choose to have some cheats from my Paleo lifestyle. I really feel this is OK as long as I don't do it every day. So far during my last 50 day journey, I've only had a handful of cheats. For breakfast today I had a fruit and nut bar along with an Advocare Spark drink, then for lunch I made Paleo chicken enchiladas, guacamole and homemade salsa with plantain chips. After lunch we went to the mall and I shared a frappachinno from StarBucks. For dinner I made a taco salad and had the left over guacamole and salsa this time I ate tortilla chips with my salad. So I had 2 cheats for the day, the coffee and the chips! Today was a day of rest from exercising, but walking around the mall was exercise enough!

3 ripe avacados
1/2 bunch chopped Cilantro
1 chopped jalapeño pepper seeded
1/4 c chopped purple onion
1/4 c chopped tomato
Garlic powder to taste
Salt to taste
Pepper to taste
1/2 a lemon or lime

Cut avacado's in half, discard seed. Scoop out avacado, place on a cutting board. Sprinkle with garlic powder, salt and pepper. With a fork, mash avacoda mixing in the seasonings. Add the remaining ingredients, except lemon/lime, mix well. Taste to see if you need to add more seasonings. Then squeeze the juice of lemon or lime over the mixture stir well, serve with tortilla chips or plantain chips.

1 can Rotel tomatoes
1 small can tomato sauce
1/2 bunch cilantro
1 clove garlic

In a food processor chop cilantro with garlic. Add Rotel tomatoes and tomato sauce, Process again. Serve with tortilla chips or plantain chips. Salsa taste like fresh made

Paleo Chicken Enchaladas
Cooked chicken breast chopped
1 can chopped green Chili's
1/2 c chopped onion
1 tsp salt
1 tsp cumin seeds crushed
Enchaladas sauce
Steamed cabbage leaves

Mix chicken, Chili's, onions, salt and cumin seeds together. Add a small amount of the Enchaladas sauce mixing well. Pour a small amount of enchalada sauce in the baking dish you are going to be using. Take a steamed cabbage leaf pour a small amount of sauce all over the leaf, place a small amount of chicken mixture in the cabbage leaf, roll up, place in the baking dish. Repeat with the rest of the cabbage leaves and chicken mixture. When all the leaves are wrapped and placed in the baking dish, pour the remainder of the Enchaladas sauce over the top. Cook in a pre-heated oven at 350 degrees for Bout 30-45 minutes.

Hope you enjoy these recipes that you can add to your Paleo collection. Until tomorrow, good night and God Bless!

Saturday, February 18, 2012

Day 49: Saving Lives

I started the day off with an Advocare Spark drink, then on the way to CrossFit, I had a Paleo pancake with almond butter and 1/2 a banana. At CrossFit I did a 5K row in 26:39.5. After Crossfit, I went to donate blood and help save lives. Now I feel drained, in more ways than one! After donating blood we went to eat at Chipolte Grill. I had a salad with steak, chicken, grilled peppers and onions, guacamole and salsa. Was pretty good! When we got home we just relaxed, watched a movie and drank hot tea. Once I got the energy, I wanted to make cookies to compare the two different types of Almond flour, Natural and Blanched, to see if there is any differences in the two. I made chocolate chip cookies. George seems to like the blanched cookies best, I'm not sure I could really tell much difference other than one flour is darker than the other so the cookie was darker too. I'm going to have Georgia do a blind taste test when she gets home and see what she thinks. For dinner I made cabbage, onions and bacon fried together. I love bacon and I love cabbage and the two together make a perfect combination!

Chocolate Chip Cookies

2 1/2 cup Almond flour
1/2 tsp baking soda
1 stick very soft butter
1/2 cup honey
1 tsp vanilla
1 cup chocolate chips
1 cup chopped nuts optional

In a mixing bowl stir together butter and honey mixing well until thoroughly mixed. Add vanilla stir well. Add the flour and baking soda, mix well. Add chips and nuts, stir then drop by tablespoons onto baking sheet, bake in a 350 degree oven checking after 5 minutes. Cook until done. Enjoy!

Tomorrow is rest day from exercise and I'm not sure what's going to be cooking in the kitchen, but I'm sure I'll cook up something! Until tomorrow, goodnight and God Bless!

Friday, February 17, 2012

Day 48: Staying hydrated

Staying hydrated is very important especially when you are exercising, and drinking pop is NOT the way to stay hydrated. Since starting my journey 48 days ago, I haven't had any pop, and have increased the amount of water that I drink. I also started drink ionized water with a Ph of 8.5. If you are interested in learning more about ionized water and its benefits, you can call George Garner at 918-527-4367, or email him at Be sure to ask him how you can get free samples of this water and see how it can help your performance during exercise.

Food for the day:
Breakfast: Paleo pancake with almond butter and 1/2 banana
Lunch: 1/2 hamburger steak, sweet potato fries, mushrooms and spinach salad. pretty much the rest of my dinner from the night before
Snack: apple
Dinner: bacon wrapped scallops (wrap a scallop in 1/2 slice bacon secure with a tooth pick, sprinkle with garlic powder, pepper and rosemary. cook at 350 Degree oven for about 20 minutes then put in the broiler for about 2-5 minutes, until bacon is crisp). Garlic shrimp salad (sauté garlic in butter and 3 cloves pushed through garlic press. Sauté until done, put shrimp over tossed salad drizzle with olive oil and balsamic vinegar
Snack: blueberries, strawberries and grapes with a handful of melted semi sweet chocolate chips. For some reason, I've been craving chocolate, and a few chocolate chips seems to help with that craving.

No exercise today, but I am planning on going to CrossFit tomorrow morning at 10am, so until tomorrow, goodnight and God Bless!

Thursday, February 16, 2012

Day 47: Spring Cleaning Anyone?

If you are trying to follow a Paleo lifestye, and you haven't cleaned out your pantry or refrigerator, try to make time this weekend to do so, it will make your life so much easier. I found that when I got rid of the items that I shouldn't eat, the temptation was gone and so following the Paleo lifestyle was easier. Make sure to read the labels on items you have in the refrigerator to make sure they are free of the items you shouldn't eat like gluten or wheat and especially CORN SYRUP! Trust me, you will be glad you do this!

Exercise today: we took our dogs for about a mile trott, not running yet not walking, so I would call it trotting! Then when we got home I did 100 sit ups and 100 back extensions.

Food for the day:
Breakfast: paleo blueberry pancake with almond butter
Snack: pumpkin seeds
Lunch: taco salad without chips or cheese, guacamole and salsa with plantain chips
Snack: apple
Dinner: grilled hamburger steak, grilled portobello mushrooms, sweet potato fries and spinach salad with green onions and strawberries, olive oils and balsamic vinegar dressing

I got some new Almond flour today that is "natural" almond flour. It has the dark covering of the almond ground up with it. I'm hoping that it works in my recipes as well as the last flour I ordered did. I thought that I was ordering the same type but when it arrived I noticed it was different. I'll be letting you know how it works for me. Until tomorrow, goodnight and God Bless!

Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Day 46: One Ring Size

Since starting my new Paleo lifestyle, I've lost enough weight, that I now wear a belt with my pants, (I'm just not ready to buy new pants yet) and I now have had to get my wedding ring made smaller. One size smaller!:) It was getting to the point that it would fall off my finger and I was so worried that I was going to loose it. I'm hoping that come May, I'll have lost the amount of weight that I want and be at my goal, or stay the same weight I am now, but fit in a much smaller size clothes!

Food for the day:
I fasted this mornings for breakfast. I ate so much last night for dinner that I wasn't hungry until about 10:30 this morning!
Lunch: ham, bacon, lettuce, tomato, and onion on lettuce wrapped sandwich with carrot sticks and celery and ice tea
Snack: apple
Dinner: stir fry with bok chou, onions, carrots, mushrooms and bell peppers and left over Cornish hen

Today was my first day back to work after a short vacation and it was a very hectic day! I'm thinking I already need another vacation. :) Until tomorrow, goodnight and God Bless!

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Day 45: Valentines Day

Happy Valentines Day! Today wasn't a Paleo day for me, I chose to have a day where I ate tortilla chips, and I had a White Chocolate Mocha coffee from Starbucks!
Food for the day:
Slept in so I didn't eat breakfast
Lunch: hubby took me to Chili's and I had chips & salsa, baby back ribs with the Memphis dry rub, and steamed broccoli
Snack: white mocha coffee from Starbucks
Dinner: taco's with guacamole and salsa with tortilla chips
Snack: raspberries with dark chocolate chips

Today was my last day for vacation,so it's back to the real world tomorrow. Until then goodnight and God Bless!

Monday, February 13, 2012

Day 44: Busy Day

Today was such a busy day, trying to get a lot done before I have to go back to work on Wednesday. Even though I was on the go all day, I still didn't get everything I needed to done, but I have one day left of my vacation so hopefully I'll be able to accomplish the rest tomorrow.

Food for the day:
Breakfast: in a cast iron skillet, I cooked shredded sweet potato and zucchini with onions in olive oil. When they were cooked half way through, I made little wells and added an egg. (made 4 wells). Then I sprinkled with garlic powder and pepper and put in the oven for about 30 minutes. My eggs were a little more done than I like but they were cooked to my families likings. When done, I place a handful of spinach on a plate and topped the spinach with some potato and egg, drizzled a little olive oil and balsamic vinegar on top

Lunch: chicken on leaf lettuce with a little mayo and mustard and purple onion, and plantain chips

Snack: fruit and nut bar

Dinner: Cornish hens with parsnips and salad. Peel and slice parsnips, put in a baking dish place the cornish hens on top of the parsnips. I juiced one orange and to the juice I added 1/4 c honey. Pour this over the Cornish hens then sprinkled garlic powder, pepper and rosemary on top. Cover with foil and cook for one hour at 350 degrees, then remove foil and cook an additional 30 minutes.

I hope you enjoy these recipes. Until tomorrow, goodnight and God Bless!

Sunday, February 12, 2012

Day 43: Commercial Time For Crossfit Primus Owasso

My son's Crossfit Gym filmed a commercial today, and I was fortunate to be asked to participate, however I don't know when the finished product will air, so I'm not sure if I will make the cut! It was fun making this commercial, but more work than I thought. A lot of us thought that we were just going to act like we were doing a workout when actually we did a workout. For 2 minutes my group had to do either 20 double unders or 60 regular jump ropes then 20 situps. We did as many reps as we could in the 2 minute time. Next my group did 20,15,10,5 of situps and kettle bell swings for time. My time was 3:53. Good short workout today and I'm really glad I did this because I haven't really done much exercising these last few days. I can't wait to see the finished commercial!

Food for the day:
Breakfast: blueberry pancake with a mini banana (I'm not sure what they are called but they look like a baby banana)
Lunch: baked chicken, spiced mashed sweet potatoes and a spinach salad
Snack: banana with cashew butter (I needed to eat something before the workout)
Dinner: cabbage & onions stir fried with a little steak, small brownie

I've been looking at several new recipes and will be trying some soon. I feel like I make the same things over and over and then eat the left overs, but I tend to stick with what's the easiest to do. I'm going to try to change this as it does get boring! I'll share recipes as I try them. Tomorrow, I'm making Cornish Hens, so I'm going to go through my Paleo cookbooks to find a recipe. So, until tomorrow, goodnight and God Bless!

Saturday, February 11, 2012

Day 42: Happy Birthday to my Hubby!

Today was my husbands birthday and I didn't want him to miss out on a dessert, so I made him a Paleo brownie that was made with sweet potatoes, (recipe below) and they were tasty! Since I'm still on vacation, I didn't exercise today, and I took it easy. I love being on vacation!

Food for the day:
Breakfast: Paleo blueberry pancakes
Lunch: Steak, sweet potato and salad
Dinner: Baked chicken, zucchini fritters, salad
Dessert: Sweet potato brownie

Blueberry pancakes

2 cups Almond flour
4 eggs
1/4 tsp baking soda
1 tsp vanilla
3 TBSP honey
1/4 tsp cinnamon
1/2 cup blueberries

Mix all wet ingredients together, add dry ingredients mixing well. Add blueberries. Cook using coconut oil

Sweet Potato Brownies

1 baked sweet potato, remove peel after cooking
3 eggs whisked
1/4 c melted coconut oil
1/3 c honey
1/2 dark chocolate chips
3 TBSP Coconut flour
2 TBSP cocoa powder
1/4 tsp baking powder
1 tsp vanilla
1/4 tsp cinnamon
1/2 c chopped pecans

Preheat oven to 350 degrees. Mash sweet potato in a mixing bowl. Add all wet ingredients together with the sweet potato. Then add all the dry ingredients, except nuts and chips. Stir well then add nuts and chocolate chips. Pour into an 8x8 glass baking dish. Bake for 23-35 minutes. Enjoy!

I've enjoyed spending time with my husband today, watching movies and just relaxing together. Tomorrow is another day of relaxing, so until tomorrow, goodnight and God Bless!

Friday, February 10, 2012

Day 41: First Day of Vacation

Did what I wanted, when I wanted today. I'm on vacation, and not rushing to do anything. I didn't exercise today and I'm not sure if I'm going to tomorrow! Sometimes you need a break from everything. I slept until ten so I really didn't have breakfast. I ate a fruit and nut bar, then for lunch I ate some brisket on lettuce and for dinner we ordered steak from Sante Fe steakhouse. I did have a few chips with cheese queso which was my cheat. Tomorrow is my hubbies birthday, so I really don't know what I've got in mind for him and our food. Until tomorrow, goodnight and God Bless!

Thursday, February 9, 2012

Day 40: Bad Day!

I had my blog all typed then accidently deleated the whole thing, so Bad day, enough said!
Breakfast: banana with nut and fruit bar
Lunch 2 ribs salad and zucchini
Snack: apple
Dinner: brisket and salad
Snack: raspberries and strawberries with melted dark chocolate

Going to make myself some hot tea then sit on this couch and do absolutely nothing! I so deserve it after today! I've made the choice to be pissed so, I'm going to go be alone and have a stern talking to myself! I've got to Change my attitude, so until tomorrow, goodnight and God Bless and may your tomorrow be wonderful!

Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Day 39: One Inch

37 days ago, I was measured, and today I remeasured, and 37 days ago my waist was 1 inch bigger than it is now and my hips were 1 inch bigger! Also, my thighs are 2 inches smaller than they were 37 days ago! I would say yea for me! Well, yea for Crossfit, Paleo diet, and Advocare too, because it was the help of Crossfit exercise, Advocare products and a good nutritious Paleo diet that helped me. If I can do this well in 37 days, I can only imagine how much better I'm going to look next year at this time! Yes, I plan to keep up the hard work and diet. I did only loose 3 pounds, but just remember , muscle weighs more than fat. And if you look on the Primus Crosfit Facebook page you wil see a picture of a lady that weighs 150 something in both pictures, the only difference is in one it's obvious she needs to go on a diet and in the second picture, it's obvious that she went on a diet and exercised gaining muscle tone. She looks good!

Food for the day: My first cheat day in 39 days, and no I still didn't eat any wheat!
Breakfast: paleo waffle with banana, pecans and maple syrup
Lunch: taco salad, no cheese
Dinner: Baja Jacks grilled fish taco's on soft corn tortilla absolutely my favorite!
Snack: raspberries with dark chocolate chips

Strength workout: Push Press starting weight 45lbs maximum weight 60lbs
162 single jump ropes, 54 kettle bell swings 8lb bell, 54 box step ups (still grounded for jumping up) on a 10 inch box, 54 push press using 15lbs, and 54 sit ups. This was for time and my time was 12:09.

I'm glad I started this journey 39 days ago for myself. This year is going to be my year! Until tomorrow, goodnight and God Bless!

Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Day 38: Recipes

As promised yesterday, I have a couple of Paleo recipes for you

1 c Almond flour
4 eggs
1/4tsp baking soda
1tsp vanilla
2 TPSP honey
1/4 tsp cinnamon

In a bowl, whisk together all the wet ingredients until well blended. Then add dry ingredients and whisk until blended well. Spray your waffle maker with non-stick spray (I use Olive Oil Srpay) Pour about 1/2 c batter onto your waffle maker. Close lid. I have a Belgium waffle maker so after pouring in the batter and closing the lid, I turn the maker over and cook on one side for a minute then rotate back to the upright position and continue cooking until done. When done, top with your favorite topping. Very good with sliced bananas, chopped pecans and a little Maple syrup.

Corn Dogs
3c Almond Flour
4 TBSP butter
1 tsp honey
2 eggs

Put ingredients in a food processor. Pulse until forms a ball. Seperate into 2 balls and place in the fridg until chilled. At least 10 minutes. When chilled roll 1 ball at a time between parchment paper. Cut into wedges. Roll an all beef, nitrate free hot dog in each wedge. I found this a little difficult and used my fingers to wrap pieces of the dough around the dog as it feel off. I covered each hot dog completely with dough. Place on a baking sheet and cook in a preheated 400 degree oven for about 10 minutes or until dough looks done.

I hope that you will enjoy these recipes as much as my family did.

Now food I had today:
Breakfast: nut and fruit bar (made with dates, dried cherries, almonds, pecans, coconut oil and coconut flakes)
Lunch: last of the butternut squash soup and a salad
Dinner: salad with, mixed greens, celery, green onions, tomatoe, avacado,pumpkins seeds, crasians and chicken.
Snack: 4 strawberries with melted dark chocolate chips

No exercise today as this was my first day back to work after being sick all weekend. Played catch up at work so it was a very hectic day, then after dinner we went grocery shopping that we didn't get to do this weekend. I was literally gone all day from 630 this morning until 5pm then dinner then off again and back home for the night at 900. I'm pooped! Time for bed, so until tomorrow, goodnight and God Bless!

Monday, February 6, 2012

Day 37: Better

I'm feeling better today than I was yesterday and I hope tomorrow is better than today. You know that feeling that after you've been sick and finally start feeling better and all the food you missed out on during the days you were sick sounds so good? Well, that's where I am now!

About 3:30 this morning I woke up drenched, so that must have been when my fever finally broke. I didn't go to work today,(that doesn't mean that work didn't call me every 1/2 hr), so I stayed in bed until the first phone call from the office at 7:45. When I got up I still wasn't feeling the best in the world, still headachy and muscles are so sore, and I really wasn't hungry. I know that I needed some energy, so I drank my my energy, my Advocare Spark drink. Around 10:30 I started getting a little hungry so I had some left over butternut squash soup. Then at 3:30 this afternoon, (I don't know why 3:30 seemed to be a breaking point for me but it was), I really started getting hungry and everything started sounding good. I had a little bit of meatloaf left over so I made myself a meatloaf on lettuce sandwich with some plantain chips. Since all I felt like doing was watching TV or reading I had time to look at several recipes and corndog's really sounded good, so this evening I made them and they were very good.. This is something I will make again and again when I need that feeling of having junk food! Who needs flour when you've got Almond flour? These did have a different texture than regular corndog's and the crust was a little crumbly but they tasted just as good as a regular fat fried greasy corndog's.

Still no exercise today, and probably not tomorrow either. Just going back to work after lying in bed for 3 days will be exercise enough. I do plan on hitting it hard on Wednesday!

In the next few weeks, I'm going to be blogging about Kagen(Tm) water, and a Paleo challenge I'm going to be making to all my readers here and on my Facebook page. At this time I'm not fully prepared to go into detail, but I will be inviting everyone to a mini conference that I think be very educational to all even if you already eat a Paleo diet. There will be someone discussing Crossfit, Prolotherapy, Paleo Diet, and Ph balanced water. This is something I think will be good for all. Well, I promise I'll give some recipes tomorrow for waffles and the corndog's but it is late and I do need to get rest so I don't relapse, so until tomorrow, goodnight and God Bless!

Sunday, February 5, 2012

Day 36: Documentaries

Since I haven't felt like doing anything this weekend, we've been watching a lot of documentaries on food. After watching these I can't see why someone wouldn't want to eat a Paleo, organic, grass fed, free range, etc type of diet. We are very ignorant about the food we purchase and have been eating for years. You can stick your head in the sand and think that our government doesn't lie to us about this, but they do! They want to keep us ignorant and unhealthy because there is money in illness! They do not want to find a cure for cancer, even though there have been cures found, they just won't let them be used in the US, they want us to eat genetically alter food to make us unhealthy, and they want us addicted to unhealthy food high in sugars to do the same. Health care cost are on the rise and only going up, and soon will be where you won't be able to afford it, and you'll be so unhealthy you will be screwed! If I hadn't already been sick before I watched these documentaries I sure would have been after I watched them. I am truly going to make a huge effort in purchasing organic produce, grass fed free range meat and dairy, or try to grow my own produce this year!

Food for the day:
Breakfast: orange
Lunch: meatloaf on Leaf lettuce
Snack: handful of nuts
Dinner: butternut squash soup

Here is another reason why I love Advocare's Spark, I was still sick this morning when I got up and had no energy, I drank a Spark and about 30 minutes later I felt better! I'm still not 100% but I can sure tell a difference. I've still been running a temp off and on today, but I am feeling better than yesterday! I hate being sick, but I especially hate being sick on the weekend! Hope to be back to normal tomorrow, so until then, goodnight and God Bless!

Saturday, February 4, 2012

Day 35: How Can This Be Happening To Me?

Woke up feeling great this morning, made waffles, (yes Paleo) sausage patties and coffee. It was so good! Then suddenly about 30 minutes after I ate, I started feeling very sick. Temp of 101, headache, aching, the runs, and I feel like I'm going to puke! It is getting worse as the day goes on, so if I don't blog for a few days I hope you'll understand! How can this be happening to me? I've been eating healthy and drinking lots of water, but I guess a virus is no respecter of anyone. I blame one of the people that works with me. He said he had been sick and wiped my office down with a sanitary wipe, but I guess it didn't work! I blame you JT! Thanks a lot!
Needless to say, all I've had to eat today was the waffle (I'll give you the recipe when I'm feeling better), two sausage patties, cup of coffee, water, banana, a few cashews, hot tea, and that's probably all she wrote for the day other more water and teas! You guessed it, no exercise today! Well, I'm going to rest now, so hopefully until tomorrow, goodnight and God Bless!

Friday, February 3, 2012

Day 34: No More!

I went to see my doctor today, Dr. Chad Edwards, and he told me, " no more"! No more wheat or gluten products. I had a test done about a month ago and the results showed that I have an intolerance to Gliadins. Gliadins are polypeptides found in wheat, rye, oat, barley and other grain glutens, and are toxic to the intestinal mucosa in people that test positive. I tested positive. Dr. Edwards told me that I should never have gluten or wheat agian, even when I decided to have a cheat day from Paleo. He said that if I do choose to eat something containing gluten again, I will probably feel pretty lousy for several days. I can't remember how many days he said that it would take to get the gluten out of my body, but it was several days! This is definitely going to be a challenge! This is going to take a lot of will power on my part, and I'll be praying lots too!

FYI: a little something about my doctor, Chad Edwards, if you are in the market for a doctor, you should check him out. You can go to his website, and see what he is all about. He is big on exercise and diet before pills. He does CrossFit and encourages a Paleo diet. I'm really glad I found him, and you will be too, just check him out!

Exercise today: 50 squats, 50 sit ups and 25 push ups. Not much but it is something, and that's all it takes, just get up and move a little when you have the time.

Breakfast: banana and cashew butter
Lunch: roasted turkey, cooked carrots, salad, fresh fruit
Snack: apple
Dinner: meatloaf, mash cauliflower, zucchini, and salad
Cup of coffee and cup of tea, both with honey and cream

Once again, I'm making or should I say staying with a change that I've already made. Looks like Paleo is here to stay! Until tomorrow, goodnight and God Bless!

Thursday, February 2, 2012

Day 33: Reason #1 to go Paleo

A healthier you, that is the number one reason you should eat Paleo! I find it funny that you can get involved in a discussion with someone, and they start talking about all their illnesses and you bring up eating Paleo and they think you are crazy for believing in what they consider some type of fad diet. They would rather take medicine and be unhealthy than try to change their eating habits, eat fresh foods, exercise and get healthy the natural way. Eating paleo can lower your blood pressure, cholesterol, gives you more energy, need I go on? If so, I suggest you read any of the books written by Loren Cordain or Robb wolf. Their books give you so much information, and after reading even the first few chapters you can't help but want to eat Paleo. Eat Paleo for a healthier you, you deserve it!

I took the day off from exercising today.

Food for the day: pretty much a salad day all around. Banana and cashew butter for breakfast.
Salad with chicken and fruit for lunch, salad with boiled eggs and bacon bits for dinner. I had an apple for a snack, and a cup of coffee with honey and cream earlier in the day.

I find it easier to continue eating Paleo. I haven't found anything yet that I just have to have so bad that I would break away to eat it. I find myself thinking before I grab something to eat. I am planning on eating Dorito type chips this Saturday, because I'm thinking about going to Baja Jacks for fish tacos. Well, until tomorrow, goodnight and God Bless!

Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Day 32: Still Going Strong

Today is day one of my second month of living a Paleo lifestyle. The things I've noticed since starting my Paleo lifestyle are:
1. I haven't missed bread as much as I thought I would
2. I can live without sugar since I can use honey in its place
3. I can go out to eat and still eat Paleo
4. I feel better!
I want to make it a priority to tell others about changing their lifestyle and eating a more healthy diet, how important it is to STOP drinking pop, and exercising even if they start out just walking. If I can help just one person with my words in this Blog, it will worth it. The last month wasn't without temptation and it wasn't as easy as I thought that it would be, but I'm glad I did it, and I'm going to continue eating mostly Paleo (I'll splurge occasionally) and striving to be a more Heath conscious person. Who knows how much money I'll save in the end because I don't have to go to the doctor or buy any prescriptions. I'm so glad that my children opened my eyes to the Paleo diet and Crossfit, and for finding a new doctor that believes in the same two things and encourages Paleo and CrossFit before medicine.

Food for the day:
Breakfast: final day of the Advocare replacement shake
Snack: handful of pumpkin seeds
Lunch: taco salad, no cheese or chips
Snack: apple
Dinner: grilled stuffed buffalo hamburger patty (stuffed with a slice of onion), grilled egg plant, sweet potato fries, and spinach salad
Snack: raspberries with dark chocolate chips, oh so good!

Exercise: ran 1/2 mile and walked 3/4 of a mile, 50 sit ups and 25 push ups

I have a feeling that my days living a Paleo lifestyle are going to get easier. The saying goes, do something for 30 days and it becomes a habit, so I have a new habit and it's a good one NOT a bad one! Until tomorrow, think before you eat, exercise to stay healthy, and goodnight and God Bless!