Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Day 32: Still Going Strong

Today is day one of my second month of living a Paleo lifestyle. The things I've noticed since starting my Paleo lifestyle are:
1. I haven't missed bread as much as I thought I would
2. I can live without sugar since I can use honey in its place
3. I can go out to eat and still eat Paleo
4. I feel better!
I want to make it a priority to tell others about changing their lifestyle and eating a more healthy diet, how important it is to STOP drinking pop, and exercising even if they start out just walking. If I can help just one person with my words in this Blog, it will worth it. The last month wasn't without temptation and it wasn't as easy as I thought that it would be, but I'm glad I did it, and I'm going to continue eating mostly Paleo (I'll splurge occasionally) and striving to be a more Heath conscious person. Who knows how much money I'll save in the end because I don't have to go to the doctor or buy any prescriptions. I'm so glad that my children opened my eyes to the Paleo diet and Crossfit, and for finding a new doctor that believes in the same two things and encourages Paleo and CrossFit before medicine.

Food for the day:
Breakfast: final day of the Advocare replacement shake
Snack: handful of pumpkin seeds
Lunch: taco salad, no cheese or chips
Snack: apple
Dinner: grilled stuffed buffalo hamburger patty (stuffed with a slice of onion), grilled egg plant, sweet potato fries, and spinach salad
Snack: raspberries with dark chocolate chips, oh so good!

Exercise: ran 1/2 mile and walked 3/4 of a mile, 50 sit ups and 25 push ups

I have a feeling that my days living a Paleo lifestyle are going to get easier. The saying goes, do something for 30 days and it becomes a habit, so I have a new habit and it's a good one NOT a bad one! Until tomorrow, think before you eat, exercise to stay healthy, and goodnight and God Bless!

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