Saturday, February 4, 2012

Day 35: How Can This Be Happening To Me?

Woke up feeling great this morning, made waffles, (yes Paleo) sausage patties and coffee. It was so good! Then suddenly about 30 minutes after I ate, I started feeling very sick. Temp of 101, headache, aching, the runs, and I feel like I'm going to puke! It is getting worse as the day goes on, so if I don't blog for a few days I hope you'll understand! How can this be happening to me? I've been eating healthy and drinking lots of water, but I guess a virus is no respecter of anyone. I blame one of the people that works with me. He said he had been sick and wiped my office down with a sanitary wipe, but I guess it didn't work! I blame you JT! Thanks a lot!
Needless to say, all I've had to eat today was the waffle (I'll give you the recipe when I'm feeling better), two sausage patties, cup of coffee, water, banana, a few cashews, hot tea, and that's probably all she wrote for the day other more water and teas! You guessed it, no exercise today! Well, I'm going to rest now, so hopefully until tomorrow, goodnight and God Bless!

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