Saturday, February 18, 2012

Day 49: Saving Lives

I started the day off with an Advocare Spark drink, then on the way to CrossFit, I had a Paleo pancake with almond butter and 1/2 a banana. At CrossFit I did a 5K row in 26:39.5. After Crossfit, I went to donate blood and help save lives. Now I feel drained, in more ways than one! After donating blood we went to eat at Chipolte Grill. I had a salad with steak, chicken, grilled peppers and onions, guacamole and salsa. Was pretty good! When we got home we just relaxed, watched a movie and drank hot tea. Once I got the energy, I wanted to make cookies to compare the two different types of Almond flour, Natural and Blanched, to see if there is any differences in the two. I made chocolate chip cookies. George seems to like the blanched cookies best, I'm not sure I could really tell much difference other than one flour is darker than the other so the cookie was darker too. I'm going to have Georgia do a blind taste test when she gets home and see what she thinks. For dinner I made cabbage, onions and bacon fried together. I love bacon and I love cabbage and the two together make a perfect combination!

Chocolate Chip Cookies

2 1/2 cup Almond flour
1/2 tsp baking soda
1 stick very soft butter
1/2 cup honey
1 tsp vanilla
1 cup chocolate chips
1 cup chopped nuts optional

In a mixing bowl stir together butter and honey mixing well until thoroughly mixed. Add vanilla stir well. Add the flour and baking soda, mix well. Add chips and nuts, stir then drop by tablespoons onto baking sheet, bake in a 350 degree oven checking after 5 minutes. Cook until done. Enjoy!

Tomorrow is rest day from exercise and I'm not sure what's going to be cooking in the kitchen, but I'm sure I'll cook up something! Until tomorrow, goodnight and God Bless!

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