Sunday, February 12, 2012

Day 43: Commercial Time For Crossfit Primus Owasso

My son's Crossfit Gym filmed a commercial today, and I was fortunate to be asked to participate, however I don't know when the finished product will air, so I'm not sure if I will make the cut! It was fun making this commercial, but more work than I thought. A lot of us thought that we were just going to act like we were doing a workout when actually we did a workout. For 2 minutes my group had to do either 20 double unders or 60 regular jump ropes then 20 situps. We did as many reps as we could in the 2 minute time. Next my group did 20,15,10,5 of situps and kettle bell swings for time. My time was 3:53. Good short workout today and I'm really glad I did this because I haven't really done much exercising these last few days. I can't wait to see the finished commercial!

Food for the day:
Breakfast: blueberry pancake with a mini banana (I'm not sure what they are called but they look like a baby banana)
Lunch: baked chicken, spiced mashed sweet potatoes and a spinach salad
Snack: banana with cashew butter (I needed to eat something before the workout)
Dinner: cabbage & onions stir fried with a little steak, small brownie

I've been looking at several new recipes and will be trying some soon. I feel like I make the same things over and over and then eat the left overs, but I tend to stick with what's the easiest to do. I'm going to try to change this as it does get boring! I'll share recipes as I try them. Tomorrow, I'm making Cornish Hens, so I'm going to go through my Paleo cookbooks to find a recipe. So, until tomorrow, goodnight and God Bless!

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