Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Day 59: Third Day of the Paleo Summit

I've spent the last 2 hrs listening to the Paleo Summit, and I still have another hour to go. The last topic was on gluten sensitivity, which I was just recently told that I have, so this was a topic that I really needed to hear. Dr. O'Bryan was the speaker for this. He said that most people over the age of 50 are gluten sensitive. He also said that children diagnosed with ADD if put on a gluten free diet will show improvement. This summit is 8 days long, so my blogs will be short, especially since I have to go to work then listen to the speakers after I get home.

I made a lasagna type dish tonight using eggplant for the noodles. I browned bison, then added a small onion and continued to cook until the onions were cooked. I added garlic powder, salt and pepper and Italian seasoning to the cooked meat. Then peeling and thinly sliced eggplant, I got some spaghetti sauce put a little down in the baking dish then put a layer or the eggplant then some meat mixture and some fresh sliced mushrooms then more sauce. I repeated the layers ending with a layer or eggplant ontop and more sauce. I cooked it in a 350 degree oven for 1hr until the eggplant was tender. I served it with a salad.

Back to the last hour of the summit for the night. Until tomorrow, goodnight and God Bless!

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