Monday, February 20, 2012

Day 51: To Compete Or Not To Compete, That Is The Question!

Ok, so the Crossfit games are coming up, and I see lots of people signing up, and being the competitive person that I am,(yes, Sean gets that from me!) I want to sign up too. Hold up, there is one issue, I suck when it comes to the WODs they will be having us do! I can't do anything to scale, so I basically wouldn't really be competing! I couldn't even say that I competed. I could say I signed up and payed my fee, but I didn't complete the WODs, so, do I dare? I'm going to have to put some thought into this! On that note my workout today consisted of 200 single jump ropes and 100 kettle bell swings using a 20lb kettle bell.

I was bad today!
Breakfast: banana and yes 2 Paleo chocolate chip cookies :)
Lunch: tossed salad with boiled eggs
Dinner: spaghetti squash with Italian sausage, bell peppers, onions, mushrooms and a spinach salad
Snack: yes, 3 more chocolate chip cookies :(

I'm going to try to NOT eat that many cookies tomorrow, but they sure are good! Until tomorrow, goodnight and God Bless!

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