Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Day 60: Two Months And Still Going Strong

I've made it two months with no gluten products. This is an accomplishment that I'm very proud of! This hasn't been an easy journey and I know that I'm still in the battle, and will be for the rest of my life, because there is tempting pastries, cakes, breads, etc almost everywhere you go. We walked in SAMs the other day and they had just finished baking some cakes and the smell was all through the store. Temptation! I'm so glad that I'm not on this journey alone, I have a Savior who is carrying me through this and His name is Jesus! When I walk past a vending maching, I look at the stuff in there differently than I used too. I look and say to myself, what in here is NOT laden with gluten or corn syrup, and know that the answer is going to be nothing. The sad thing is, I work in a hospital where health should be number one! Enough of my soap box for the night, on a brighter note, the Paleo Summit is still going on. I only got to listen to one speaker today and really enjoyed the speaker. His name was Matt Lalonde, and he was very interesting. One thing he said is so true, they should come up with a new name for the diet instead of Paleo, because when you tell people that is how you are eating you get strange remarks and looks. I'm going to try to come up with a name!:)

Breakfast, two pieces of sausage
Snack: pecans and cherries
Lunch, left over lasagna from yesterday's dinner and salad
Dinner, spinach salad, avocado, and shrimp
Snack strawberries and melted chocolate ( yes I know I need to stop eating this much fruit and chocolate!)

Exercise went on a 30 minute walk to enjoy this beautiful weather we are having. On that note, my heart and prayers go out to everyone that lost loved ones and received damage to their homes last night during the tornado's. Until tomorrow, goodnight and God Bless!

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