Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Day 31: Looks Like I Made It!

Day 31, or 1 month. Either way you say it, I made it! I officially ate Pale for one month with no cheating. Do I feel better? yes! Did I loose weight? A little! Am I going to do continue? Yes but not as strictly. There will be days of choosing not to eat Paleo, but the majority of the time I am.

I didn't exercise today, way too tired! I had a busy and very stressful day. I feel like I exercised. I'm going to bed very early tonight!

Food: breakfast Advocare replacement shake. (tomorrow is the last day of my 24 day challenge!
Lunch: taco salad
Snack: apple
Dinner: omelet, fresh raspberries and blackberries with a few dark chocolate chips

Sorry, but as said before, I'm so tired! It's hard to stay awake, so until tomorrow, Goodnight and God Bless!

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