Friday, April 13, 2012

Day 104: Heart Burn

I've now been taking 40 mg of Prednisone for 9 days for a Colitis flare up. I've not had very much relief yet of the symptoms, and now I'm experiencing the horrible side effects of the medicine, heart burn being the worst. I can drink water and get heart burn. Other side effects are my heart skips beats, short tempered, sleeplessness, need I go on? I'm ready for this to be over! Having heartburn makes it hard to exercise. For instance today at Crossfit we were to do bear crawls but bending over make the heartburn become reflux so that's a no no for me. My workout consisted of 25 wall balls using an 8 lb ball, 25 walking lunges and then a 200 meter run, 3 times doing it for time. Of course this wasn't the actual workout, it was scaled down for me!

Food today: breakfast, coconut wrap with almond butter and banana with a cup of coffee. Lunch tuna salad, and dinner was Enchaladas make with corn tortillas, and of course chocolate for dessert. I figure if I'm going to have heart burn just drinking water, why not give myself a real reason to have heartburn!

Well, we are expect bad storms tonight and tomorrow so I better try to get some rest while it's still quite. Until tomorrow goodnight and God Bless!

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