Saturday, April 7, 2012

Day 98: A Good Feeling!

One of the best feelings is to put on a pair of pants that last year was so tight that your belly hung over to now have them so loose they fall off! That's exactly what happened to me today. I've had this pair of crop Lacoste pants for over 3 years and never wore them. They fit when I purchased them but it was the wrong season to wear them, and by the time it was the right season, I had gained too much weight to wear them. I put them in the back of my closet thinking that I would eventually be able to fit in them, but each year passed and I only gained more weight, causing the pant to be pushed back even further in the closet. Thanks to Crossfit, eating a Paleo diet and doing an Advocare weight loss challenge, I've lost enough weight that the pants are now too big, and that's a good feeling! My starting weight in January was 168.9, my weight today is 142.3. That's a total weight loss of 26.6 pounds. I'm happy with that! I'm not finished yet, but now that I can actually see the results, I'm very happy! I'm going to continue eating Paleo, doing Crossfit and taking supplements from Advocare. I'm not doing a nutrition challenge at this time, but it doesn't mean I won't in the future. It was a great jump start to loosing weight.

Food for the day: barbecue chicken in a Paleo coconut wrap and some plantain chips. A Larabar for snack and then dinner was baked ham, pineapple, honey and cilantro baked sweet potatoes and a salad. For dessert we had melted chocolate chips with fresh strawberries and bananas. I did have some coffee today with honey and cream and then a Carmel Macchiato coffee from QT.

I had a busy Saturday, working on anesthesia records, then grocery shopping. Tomorrow is going to be a beautiful Easter Day focusing on Praising God, so may your day be as blessed as I know mine is going to be, so until then, goodnight and God Bless!

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