Thursday, April 5, 2012

Day 96: I Had To Give In!

I'm following a Paleo diet with very few cheats and trying to exercise regularly, but I still developed a flare up of my colitis. Stress is the major factor of this flare up! I absolutely love my job, and everyone I work with, but the last 4 months of uncertainty about getting the contract, making sure we got everyone credentialed and ready to start work, going to computerized records, and the list goes on and on, caused major havoc on my colon! I tried not to give in to take any medicine, but I finally had too! I'm so upset about this because I've been Prednisone free for a little over a year and that's the longest I've been steroid free since I was diagnosed over 10 years ago. However the last few days, the urgency and other grotesque symptoms were starting to keep me from everyday life activities, so I had to get on Prednisone. I'm not looking forward to the side effects of this medicine but, I'm so ready to have a normal stool, and like I've said before in a post about colitis, until you loose the ability to pass gas you don't realize how much you loved a good fart! I'm not sure about everyone with colitis but I know that when I'm in a flare up there is no way on earth to pass gas without sharting in my pants. I'm very sensitive to this subject. I don't like people making fun of others if the shart in their pants, because I know what it's like and it's very, very embarrassing!

Along with taking prednisone, I'm hungry all the time, I'm very cranky, I don't sleep very well, my heart races and skips beats, I get hot flashes, heartburn, I gain weight, I'm very sensitive to all the virus bugs going around and for some reason MARSA seems to find its way to attack me, but on the bright side the colitis clears up!

I do want to take this time to apologize to everyone at Crossfit, work, home, reading this blog, etc., for any bad behavior I may show in these next few weeks! I plead Prednisone Rage, a real side effect of taking this drug! I'm definitely not looking forward to the weight gain, (i worked really hard to loose these 25 pounds over the last Three months) so I'm really going to have to watch what I eat, at least this time I'm eating a healthier diet with a few cheats instead of an unhealthy diet with a lot of cheats!

On to the food for the day. For breakfast I ate a Larabar and a cup of coffee. After that I was so busy at work I really didn't have time to even think about lunch, so we had an early dinner which consisted of a grass fed hamburger patty covered with chili mustard and onions and some
Plantain chips then for dessert some dark chocolate chips melted on fresh pineapple and banana. Everything was Paleo except for maybe the chocolate, but after the day I had I deserved it!

What's interesting about my experience with Colitis is that foods do not cause my symptoms, and I've also noticed that my symptoms seem to show up not only when under a great deal of stress, but also when I'm having bad allergies! Maybe this is because allergies put stress on your body. That's all I can come up with! Not only am I stressed, but my allergies are acting up like none other! I just know that I would never ever wish colitis on anyone! Well, I'm going to try to get some sleep since 5 am comes sooner than ya want, so until tomorrow, goodnight and God Bless!

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