Monday, April 23, 2012

Day 114: Pinning On Pintrest

If you follow me on Pintrest, I have created a board with only Paleo recipes. I pinned about 50 recipes tonight and can't wait to try some of them. I found recipes for biscuits, gravies, sauces, you name it I found it and I'm not stopping yet! It's amazing what all you can find on Pintrest and also, how many people follow a Paleo diet. It's crazy how many people eat a Paleo diet, and it's crazy that I just heard about Paleo diet this past year! I wish I would have learned about this diet years ago, because no telling how many years I've taken off my life by all the junk I've put into my body all these years and made myself so unhealthy. Who knows maybe I would never have developed Ulcerative Colitis. They don't know what causes it, so maybe my unhealthy eating was partly to blame!

Food today:
Breakfast: sausage patty and paleo flat bread
Lunch: nitrate free salami on a curry Paleo wrap, sweet potato chips and grapes
Snack: apple
Dinner: grilled buffalo chicken and salad
Snack: 1/2 banana with melted almond butter and chocolate chips

No exercise today and probably none tomorrow but I will be back to Crossfit on Wednesday.

Going to go check out more recipes on Pintrest, so until tomorrow, goodnight and God Bless!

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