Saturday, April 21, 2012

Day 112: One Tired Girl!

I've had one very busy day! I started it off by making a new recipe for breakfast. Sausage and Paleo French Toast Flat Bread. Boy was it ever tasty. For the recipe go to:
After breakfast we went to Sand Springs picked up my mom and went to the Herb Festival. I had so much fun! Got tons of herbs! We went to a little dinner and ran into my dads cousin and his wife. I haven't seen them for several years and it was really nice to see them again! Paleo was NOT exercised at the herb festival. We had a hamburger minus the bun and French fries. I also splurged and had a sweet tea, a handful of kettle corn and my husband and I shared a large bag of cinnamon pecans, and of course they had sugar on them. This was a special treat and not one we do very often! After we took mom home we headed to Riddles Plant Farm to finish up the herb shopping then to Sams to get dog food and a few other items. I had to rest for about 30 minutes after I got home then went outside to plant the herbs. I got the garden all planted in spite of all the black widow spiders I saw, and now all I have to do is mulch! Yes, we have black widow spiders and I don't like that one bit! After planting I showered then made dinner. I grilled bacon wrapped chicken breast, mixed veggies and a salad. I am so full and I only ate about a fourth of a chicken breast. They were thick and juicy, yum!
The only exercise I did today was walk all over Sand Springs and then planting and that was exercise enough. I'm pooped!
I've been spending the last hour looking at Paleo friendly recipes and pinning them on my Pintrest, so I better get back to that so I'll have more recipes to try, so until tomorrow, goodnight and God Bless!

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