Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Day 95: No More Running, Please!

I went to Crossfit again this morning, giving myself one day of rest between workouts, and what do they have us doing? More running! My legs are still sore from Monday, and they want me to run 1 1/2 miles! I don't think my legs are ever going to be the same! On top of the running we also did dead lifts, so the work out went like this: 15 dead lifts (I did 35pds, not even close to the weight you are suppose to do), then a 800 m run. You do these each 3 times as quickly as you can. My quickly was 22.49 minutes. I hurt all over! I do plan on going to Crossfit this Friday, but I would like to ask them one tiny favor, NO MORE RUNNING! PLEASE!

My Paleo diet was blown after my Crossfit workout. On the way to exercise I ate a Larabar and a Spark drink. After the workout I was STARVING! So I stopped off a Quiktrip and got a jalapeƱo cheese stuffed sausage, no bun, a bag of salt and
vinegar chips, yes you heard it, a bag of chips, I deserved it after that much running, and a glass of tea. For lunch I had some barbecue pulled pork and coleslaw. Finally for dinner I grilled some of my grass fed beef hamburgers and made some mashed cauliflower and a salad. I was full but now that its time for bed, I'm starting to get hungry, but I'm going to stay strong and not eat anything! I'm going to go get a drink of water then go to bed, so until then, goodnight and God Bless!

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