Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Day 116: All Around Tough Day

Crossfit was more than brutal today! We started with 100 double unders or 300 singles jump rope, 15 burpee's, 10 thrusters, then 5 muscle ups or 15 ring pulls and 15 box dips (not really sure what they are called). Each of these are to be done five times then finish up with 100 double unders or 300 singles. There is a 30 minute time limit. Needless to say I took the entire 30 minutes and didn't complete the task. I did push ups not burpee's and I didn't have any weight on the bar for my thrusters and I still couldn't finish. It was tough! Afterwards I went to the car to get my clothes for work. I was so tired and wasn't paying attention to what I was doing and I locked my keys in the car. This is the first time I have EVER locked my keys in the car and I had to be in Owasso, 45 minutes away from my house in normal traffic and it was rush hour so it took my husband a lot longer to come to my rescue with the keys. Getting to work very late, plus I was starving all day long so what did I do? You guessed it, I ate constantly all day long! Maybe it was the stress!

After getting my car unlocked, I ate grapes on the way to the hospital I go to, then more grapes on the way to the second hospital, then a Larabar on the way back to Owasso then still hungry and close to lunch time I was passing by my favorite fast food place, Baja Jacks, so I stopped off and had a grilled fish taco and some tortilla chips with salsa. When I finally got the office someone had brought in candy and it was like a little kid took over my body and couldn't resist the sugar attack! When I got home I was still hungry, so I made an omelette with sweet potatoes, onions, bell pepper, kale, left over chicken, tomatoes and eggs. After eating a huge portion I ate 3 Paleo chocolate chip cookies! Now I'm stuffed and miserable! The only good thing I can say is at least the omelette was

Hopefully tomorrow I will do better!

Since I'm feeling miserable I'm going to go take a shower and get in some loose fitting close to give my tummy room, so until tomorrow, goodnight and God Bless!

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