Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Day 11: Death By Pull Ups

Death by pull ups is not how I imagined I would die. Quietly in my sleep, or even death by chocolate, but death by pulls up? No thank you! Well that's what CrossFit tried to do to me today. Warm up before the work out was Death by pull ups. I must admit, I wasn't ready to die today, so I didn't try very hard at these, plus the fact that I did 50 push ups the day before and my arms were so sore helped me make the decision to be a slacker! The work out after we died from the pull ups was, 3 rounds for time of 20 Burpees, 15 ring dips and 10 hand stand pull ups. Well you know that I had to scale down every one of these task, but it still was hard to do, especially with my very sore arms. My time was 14:57. Glad it's over!

After the work out we went to Applebee's to eat. Yes, I stayed true to my Paleo diet. While the others with me chowed down on artichoke spinach dip and chips, hamburgers with onion rings and croutons on their salads I resisted. I ate a spinach salad with grilled shrimp, almonds, purple onions and the best dressing. It was a bacon vinegrette. Yummy! This just goes to show, that you can eat out and still eat Paleo, you just need to do a little research before you go. Check the online menu of your favorite restaurant before you go out and if you can't find anything Paleo check another restaurant. I had previously checked Applebee's menu and knew exactly what I would get when I ordered. Other food I ate during the day, breakfast my spark drink at 6am, 8am paleo pancake with cashew butter. Lunch, brisket, asparagus,and salad. Note to self: if you know you are going to go workout at CrossFit do NOT eat brisket for lunch. It doesn't sit well on the tummy! Dinner you already know. Snack handful of nuts and a glass of juice.

The more I relax on the couch tonight the more I notice that I'm too sore to get up, so I guess I have to sit here and continue watching the People's Choice Awards, so until tomorrow good night and God Bless!

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