Friday, January 13, 2012

Day 13: My Middle Name is Klutz!

All my life it seems that I have been a bit of a klutz! Tripping over my own feet, running into doors and walls, dropping things, etc. You think that I would have outgrown this but I haven’t. If you’ll remember a few days back I gave a whoop, whoop, shout out that I had mastered the box jump! Well, apparently NOT! Since my hands were still sore from the doctors appointment yesterday, I couldn’t do the WOD (work out for the day), so I did the on from yesterday that I missed. Of course, as usual, it was scaled down for me. My WOD consisted of 60 jump ropes, 15 walking lunges and 10 box jumps, doing as many reps as possible in 15 minutes. I started off beautifully! My rope jumping looked like I was a kid of 10 again, not messing up until I reached 45 jumps. Then the lunges looked like I was a pro (not really) but I felt like I was! Then feeling a burst of pride that I had accomplished the 10' box jumps earlier this week, I knew nothing would stop me now! I took my pose in front of the box, bending down just a little, not too much, getting the perfect swing in my arms, then... BANG! My toes caught the edge of the box causing me to come down hard on my shins , can we say Klutz? Then falling not so gracefully to the ground twisting my ankle, and bracing myself with my already sore hand twisting it, can we say Super Klutz? Finally landing on my butt HARD and jarring my low back, can we say Super Duper Klutz? I’m sure that everyone that saw this would say it was done with such grace (not really) and that they also got a good laugh out of it! I picked myself up, shaking it off like I’m OK when all along I’m hurting with pain but also my pride was hurt. Needless to say, my son grounded me from box jumps and said I had to stick with step ups. I tried to argue with him stating my case of if I don’t practice them I won’t ever get them, when all along I was really glad because I was hurting. It took all I could to finish the workout like nothing was wrong. I completed 7 reps in the allotted 15 minute time frame. I have a huge know and bruise on my right shin, a smaller know and bruise on the lft shins, my ankle feels swollen, my wrist hurts and my low back is having spasms. It hurts to move, in fact the longer I sit around the more sore I’m getting! OUCH! Pride cometh before a fall!
Food for the day:
Before breakfast Spark drink (still loving it!) Later in the morning a boiled egg and banana
Lunch: Roasted turkey, mixed yellow & orange carrots with broccoli side salad
Snack: cashews
Dinner: Roasted duck with orange sauce, ½ baked sweet potato with cinnamon and side salad
Snack: pineapple/coconut juice and pistachios
Side note: I haven’t had any coffee this week and I think it’s because I’m drinking the Advocare Spark energy drink. I usually have to drink several cups of coffee to keep my energy up and still would get a sluggish feeling mid morning and after lunch, but since starting the Advocare products I haven’t had this issue! Thanks Courtney for hooking me up!
Well, I’m getting more sore by the minute and I’m planning on trying to exercise tomorrow then going to a meeting, so I better get some rest now. I guess I need to keep positive thoughts in my head like, "what doesn’t kill you only makes you stronger" and since I didn’t die today with my graceful fall, I must be getting stronger! Until tomorrow, Goodnight and God Bless!

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