Sunday, January 29, 2012

Day 29: Home Alone!

I spent the majority of the day today home alone, and I enjoyed this time by myself! Sometimes you just need to be alone! I thought that I would do more but I just enjoyed watching movies I wanted to, playing games on my IPad, reading, and yes, I even tried out a new Paleo recipe. I planned on making more than one, but I enjoyed being lazy!

The one thing I have noticed while I've been eating my Paleo lifestyle, everyone and their dog has very strong opinions, and theirs seems to be the only right ones. I have come across more closed minded people since I have changed my eating lifestyle. If I were telling everyone I was a vegetarian they wouldn't say anything, but when I say I'm eating Paleo, they make snide remarks and tell me why I need to eat grains, etc. Since I have been eating this way for the past 29 days, I can tell a huge difference in my stomach. If I ever meet someone and they tell me they have Colitis, I'm going to be able to witness to them about this great new lifestyle I've chosen for myself and the healing I've noticed.

Food for the day:
Breakfast: Advocare replacement drink and 3 slices of bacon (the hubby made breakfast and I didn't want to hurt his feelings, plus I love bacon!)
Lunch: salad with buffalo Italian sausage, bell peppers, onions and mushrooms
Snack: banana with cashew butter and a few dark chocolate chips
Dinner: taco salad, (minus chips and cheese) this is where the new recipe came in. I made Kale chips, and they weren't too bad. You just take some Kale, discard the tough stems. Rub with olive oil, lay on a baking sheet lined with parchment paper, add salt. I also added garlic powder. Bake at 350 degrees for about 30 minutes. Watch and make sure not to burn the edges. Cool and eat. They were pretty good. This is something I would make again.

Well it's back to work tomorrow, so I've got to gather everything for a bright and early start. 4am comes very early. Until tomorrow, goodnight and God Bless!

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