Saturday, January 28, 2012

Day 28: Almost There!

Three more days and I will have officially been eating a Paleo diet for one month. I'm not going to refer to this as a diet anymore, but a way of living. I'm going to try to start referring to my food intake as my "Paleo Lifestyle" instead of a diet. A diet is something that sounds scary and if you break it you think of yourself as a failure, but a lifestyle is a choice at a certain way of living and if I choose to eat something that isn't considered Paleo, I won't feel like I've failed. I think that when you cheat on a so called "diet" it's hard to get back on track, but when you choose a "lifestyle" it's not really cheating, at least that's how my mind looks at it! Like I said yesterday, some books say that sweet potatoes aren't Paleo, but I choose to eat them. I was reading in a Paleo cookbook today and there was a recipe for new potatoes! I guess the person that wrote that cookbook considers new potatoes to be Paleo even though others don't. In the book "The Paleo Diet For Athletes" I read that you should allow yourself to eat non-Paleo occasionally. "Lifestyle", not diet! I'm finding it a little easier to make good choices when it comes to the food I put in my mouth, maybe what they say about it takes 30 days to change a bad habit to a good habit is right! I really want to challenge you, if you haven't eaten Paleo to do so for at least one month and see how you feel. All you've got to loose is a bad habit! At least give up pop, even if its diet pop, it's NEVER good for you to drink!

Exercise for the day was just a 500 meter row! Not much but it was still something!

Breakfast: Advocare replacement shake
Lunch: went to Red Robin Yum! and had the bacon, avacoda hamburger wrapped in lettuce with sweet potato fries
Dinner: grilled tuna, sautéed Brussel sprouts and salad

I did allow myself to have my first cup of coffee in about 2 1/2 weeks, with honey and grass fed cream. I allowed myself this dairy product and will again on occasions. Like I said, "lifestyle"! I hope that you take my challenge and change your lifestyle even if it is just one little change! Until tomorrow, goodnight and God Bless!

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