Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Day 18: Foggy Day!

Headache + allergic reaction to who knows what+ Benadryl = foggy day! Not in the mood to blog tonight. I did exercise this afternoon. The 12 min as many reps as possible of 10 hand release push ups, 10 squats, 10 sit-ups, and 10 walking lunges. I was able to complete 6 reps plus 10 push-ups, even with a headache! I know that it’s allergies, and I’ve decided I’m NOT giving into them. I will continue to exercise with runny nose, sneezing , watery eyes and itchy rash. Since I didn’t exercise yesterday, I knew that if I didn’t today, tomorrow would be easy to skip too and then the next day too, and so on and so on. I don’t know why it’s so hard to break a BAD habit but so easy to break a good one! I really wanted to give up when I was doing the sit ups today, but I pressed through them. I still have a sore butt from the 50 sit ups on Monday! Oh well, like I’ve said before what doesn’t kill me will only make me stronger!
Food for the day:
Breakfast: 2 Paleo pancakes with almond butter and all fruit jelly (no sugar made with fruit & fruit juice)
Lunch: taco salad with lettuce, tomatoes, meat, a little ranch dressing and guacamole, no chips, no cheese, and no sour cream! Yeah for me, keeping it all Paleo!
Dinner: Roast with sweet potatoes, carrots and salad
Snack: Banana with cashew butter and a few dark chocolate chips.
I watched a Podcast from Robb Wolf today and he was answering a question about how long someone needed to eat Paleo before they really noticed a difference, and he said give it 30 days! That’s what I’m doing, 30 days strictly Paleo! This has been a real challenge for me, but I’m going to do it! Until tomorrow, goodnight and God Bless!

Just noticed, How many Day 15's can one person have? 

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