Thursday, January 19, 2012

Day 19: Food Heaven

Today was the first day I made a meal that made me feel like I was cheating on my no wheat/gluten free diet. I made fried chicken, yum, yum, from the Paleo Comfort Foods cookbook. It is worth making again! The family loved it! I made turnips, mash sweet potatoes and salad. It was a good solid feeling/tasting meal, nothing diet about it, and I needed a meal like this. Today I started the Advocare replacement shake. I had a good hearty breakfast of 3 pieces of bacon, one fried egg and one paleo pancake. I choose to drink the shake at lunch. I did fine with this, but about 5 pm I really started getting hungry and this meal was exactly what I needed. I did have a snack this afternoon which consisted of a few dried cherries and pumpkin seeds, and after dinner I had a few dark chocolate chips with about 1 TBSP. cashew butter. All in all, I’ve been doing pretty good with meals and snacks, and occasionally I have to have a cheat and if the dark chocolate chips are my cheat, I think I’m doing pretty good!
Today my exercise plan consisted of walking about 1 mile. I walked at a very fast pace, so I feel like I still accomplished a little something. I plan on coming to Owasso tomorrow for CrossFit and I’m sure they will have a tough workout set for us. Every time I check out their WOD on the website, I think to myself, Hey, that doesn’t sound too bad, I think I can do that! Little do I realize, THEY ALWAYS KICK BUTT! Who would every imagine a short little 10-15 minute work out would be so intense! I do have to thank Sean, Courtney and Georgia for becoming CrossFit certified and Sean & Courtney for having the vision of starting their own CrossFit gym and Advocare business, because if it weren’t for them I would still be sitting on the couch eating unhealthy flour and sugary products and not exercising at all. Oh yes, I would occasionally take a walk and think that I were making some sort of healthy progress, but I wouldn’t really be. I’m still not where I want to be physically, but I’m getting there, one day at a time. Until tomorrow, Goodnight and God Bless!

P.S.  Happy Birthday to my brother Gary! Love you!

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