Friday, January 27, 2012

Day 27: The Air Force

Todays CrossFit work out was called Air Force. Just let me say to everyone that did this workout, bravo for you, and to all of you that did this workout as prescribed, you are a Stud! This was one tough workout. This workout consisted of 20 thrusters, 20 sumo dead lifts, 20 push jerks, 20 overheard squats and 20 front squats. Sound easy? Sure, NOT! To start the workout you did 4 burpee's and every minute, you stopped where you were in your workout and did 4 burpee's. You had 20 minutes to complete this workout, but the faster you did it the less burpee's you had to do. Since I do 't do it as prescribed, I was able to get it done in 11:50, and I was lifting 25pounds. I know that's not a lot of weight, but it got heavier by the minute. So I say to you again all that did this workout as prescribed, you are Studs! I'm glad I can call you a fellow CrossFitter, and I strive to be more like you! Thanks for the inspiration!

Breakfast: Advocare replacement shake, I also had a banana with the shake since I was exercising this morning. After the work out I needed a little extra energy so I drank an Advocare Spark drink. I love Spark! This gave me the energy I needed today!
Lunch: there wasn't a lot to choose from today that was Paleo friendly. We had a rep bring lunch in today and she brought in breaded chicken nuggets, salad and fresh fruit. I went to the cafeteria and got a piece of blackened fish, NASTY! So, I basically ate salad and fruit. I forgot to take my Advocare pills 30 minutes before lunch and the ones with lunch, and by 4pm I was starving.
Dinner: Date night and we went to Chili's, again I had a salad, this time it had grilled shrimp. This was very tasty, but it didn't seem to satisfy me, so I had a snack of 1/2 banana with 1tbsp almond butter and a few dark chocolate chocolate chips.

I have been reading so many articles, books, Internet articles, etc on Paleo and everyone of them says something different. One person says that sweet potatoes isn't Paleo, someone else says they are but only after you exercise, and still yet another says they are always OK. During this past month, (4 more days to go) I've decided that I'm OK with eating sweet potatoes. I've given up a lot of other items that I figured this one would be OK for now. I've tried to limit them, but I don't avoid them. I'm going to continue reading Paleo books and use good judgment in my food decisions, and there will be times I will eat something that one book says isn't Paleo, and another book will say it is, but I'm still eating better than I use too! Tomorrow is going to be an easy day of exercise for me since I exercised so hard today, and I'm going to try to make some time to experiment with some more Paleo recipes, so until tomorrow, goodnight and God Bless!

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