Saturday, January 14, 2012

Day 14: Fourteen Days and Still Going Strong!

I haven’t swayed from eating the Paleo diet and have been true to not eating any wheat or gluten products, which I wouldn’t be eating on Paleo anyway. I really can’t think of much that I miss except On The Border Chips! We use to eat them at least once a week with homemade salsa, now not so much! This doesn’t mean that I won’t eat them in the future, but a least for now I’m choosing to stay strictly Paleo for one month. I know that this can be done and this is one thing that I’m going to be able to say, "I did it"! I eat lunch in the hospital cafeteria 5 days a week and have always found something I can eat even if it is a salad, and I’ve now eaten out twice and was able to find Paleo friendly food on their menu’s. First time I ate at Applebee’s and today I ate at Red Robin, YUM! I had their guacamole bacon burger minus the bread and cheese with sweet potato fries, and they were YUM! So if you are trying to stay true to eating Paleo, you just have to make a few changes to how you order but it is doable. Today at CrossFit I kept it non-impact since I’m still trying to recover from the incident yesterday. I did a 500 meter row in a little over 2 minutes, then I just practiced pull ups. Not doing so great there, but hopefully by the end of this year I will be able to do them, (hopefully box jumps too without killing myself).
Food for the day: Still taking the Advocare Spark Drink before anything else. Ate scrambled eggs with bacon bits for breakfast. Lunch, Red Robin, Yum! Snack a few pistachio’s and then I wanted a little something sweet, so I made a Paleo Chocolate Mug Cake. (Recipe below). I’m not sure if I’m going to have anything for dinner yet because we ate late in the afternoon and then the mug cake just a bit ago so I’m not real hungry. If I eat anything it will probably be a salad, or something lite.
I have a couple of recipes I would like to share with you now.

If you are craving something sweet and chocolate, try making a mug cake. It’s just enough to satisfy and you won’t have leftovers and be tempted to eat them all week long like we did when I made the Paleo brownies. They were very good and since the almond butter isn’t cheep, I felt like I had to eat them all. This doesn’t work if you are trying to loose weight. I think you can still get fat eating Paleo if you eat too much of a good thing! OK so here goes:
Paleo Chocolate Mug Cake2 ½ TBSP. coconut oil (melted)
2 TBSP. cocoa powder
1 ½ TBSP. honey
1 TBSP. almond flour
1 egg
½ tsp vanilla
Mix all ingredients in a coffee mug, mixing well. Cook in the microwave oven for 2 ½ minutes. You can serve with whipped coconut milk or make ice cream using frozen bananas and coconut milk or just eat it plain like I do. It’s tasty anyway you serve it. Enjoy!
Now how about breakfast? Tired of eating scrambled eggs, boiled eggs, fried eggs, eggs on eggs, etc? Would you like to eat a pancake again? Well then I have the recipe for you. It makes a bunch of pancakes. I make the whole batch up and put a piece of wax paper between the pancakes, put them in the fridge, then in the morning I pop one in the microwave, nuke it for about 20 seconds then put my favorite nut butter or honey on it. It’s quick and tasty.
Paleo Pancakes6 Eggs
1 Can Coconut Milk
2tsp vanilla
½ TBSP. baking soda
1 TBSP. honey
2 tsp cinnamon
1 Cup Almond Flour
In a mixing bowl beat eggs until frothy. Add remaining ingredients to eggs, mix well. Cooking: Add a little coconut oil to your pan (I use a nonstick pan) pour batter in pan trying to keep the pancakes smaller than a normal pancake. These don’t bubble like a normal pancake so just keep an eye on them and when you feel its time to flip, then flip it. They will be a thin pancake but thicker than a crepe .
I hope that you will enjoy these two recipes as much as my family has, and making the pancakes up before hand gives you a quick breakfast when you are running late in the mornings. I’m sure I’ll be sharing more recipes with you in the future, so until tomorrow, goodnight and God Bless!

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