Monday, January 16, 2012

Day 15: Call me Miss Piggy!

I had one of those days today that I just never felt full or satisfied. I’m not sure why but I really felt like a pig today in the eating area. For breakfast I had a sausage patty and a boiled egg, then at lunch steak fajitas in a lettuce wrap, (no bread, cheese or sour cream). Then for dinner I made a hamburger cabbage dish and for dessert ½ a banana with cashew butter and chocolate chips. Then I went back for more cashew butter and I finished off the chocolate chips. I think if there were more in there I might actually go back for more even though I’m really full at this time, I guess just not satisfied. Maybe the reality of not having any sugar for 15 days is now setting in! Not sure, but I’m having to tell myself today to step back from the food! Not sure what the problem is, but I know tomorrow I’m going to have to show a lot more self control.
Exercise for the day:
I know it may not sound like much, but my dead lift today was 95lbs. Yea! The WOD was 50 sit ups, 40 box jumps, or in my case since I’m still grounded step ups, 20 Sumo dead lifts
10 overhead squats. Once again, I’m told by Sean that I have to do air squats, no weight. I tell you, sometimes he treats me like I’m such a beginner! :) This work out is for time and I did mine in 11 minutes and 55 seconds. Not too bad for an old lady who is grounded from box jumps. My box jumps consisted of jumping onto a 45 lb weight. (It’s about 3-4 inches. ) I thought that I was going to be grounded from that too. I kind of slipped a little but nothing major. I must say, I’ve been enjoying my time when I come to CrossFit. I’m meeting new people and getting encouraged when I see others doing what I should be doing, so that just motivates my competitive nature. Yes, Sean got his competitive nature from me. Well, I’ll be doing CrossFit from home tomorrow, so I’ll miss everyone, but I’m planning on coming back on Wednesday. Until we meet again, or until tomorrow, goodnight and God Bless!

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