Sunday, January 22, 2012

Day 22: Cowboys & Aliens

Strange movie! Enough said!

Today was a beautiful day outside, a little windy but still beautiful! So why did I stay inside the majority of the day? Good question, because my son brought over several movies and we watched them. I pretty much ate and watched movies all day long. I did go to the grocery store at one point to get more food. Still ate Paleo all day so no cheating there! Back to work and exercise tomorrow, and I definitely need to, exercise that is, work I could use a little vacation!

Food for the day:
Breakfast: replacement shake
Lunch: left over chicken Italian dish with salad
Paleo chocolate chip cookies off and on all day. Thank God they are all gone!
Dinner: barbecue beef sausage with onions and bell peppers salad
No snack tonight because I'm STUFFED!

I'm still staying true to my Paleo diet but sometimes I just go over board with the eating too much! I know that I've lost inches in my waist, but the weight still is staying about the same. My jeans are starting to fit loose, yea! New goal starting tomorrow try to NOT over eat! Well, back to work tomorrow, so until then goodnight and God Bless!

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