Thursday, January 5, 2012

Day 5 Own My Own

Today, I wasn't able to get to Crossfit so I was on my own. The work out today was "Filthy fifty". You can go to to see what that consist of. Trust me it's a bunch of stuff 50 times each. Since I don't have a pull up bar or weights, I made up my own Filthy Fifty! Mine consisted of, first walking our dog Ginger around the park and running with her to get some of her energy out. When I got back home I did 50 box jumps on a 4 1/2 inch box, (this white girl CAN'T jump), 50 kettle bell swings with a 15lb KB, 50 walking lunges, 50 sit ups, 50 back extensions, 50 push ups, 50 wall ball shots with an 8lb ball and last but not least,150 single jump ropes. I did this all in 25:21. All in all I think I did pretty good on my own! Now for my food intake for the day!

Breakfast: banana with pistachio butter and hot tea
Lunch: ribs, rosemary squash, salad with raspberry dressing and cold tea
Snack: my favorite pink lady apple
Dinner: Paleo chicken-n-dumplings (see recipe below)
Bedtime snack: getting ready to eat a few pumpkin seeds

The chocolate was still there in my office today, but it was a lot easier to resist today. Resist the devil and he shall flee or in my case resist the chocolate and I get stronger! I'm not really on my own, I have Jesus on my side. My favorite verse, Trust in the Lord with all your heart and he shall direct thy paths. Proverbs 3:5-6 Well, until tomorrow, goodnight and God Bless!

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