Monday, January 30, 2012

Day 30: The Little Engine That Could

Having a new food lifestyle and doing a CrossFit workout has been a new challenge in my life. These last 30days, I've tried harder on my workouts and eating habits than I have in a very, very long time. I've kept chugging along just like the "Little Engine that Could". I've had difficulties in almost every CrossFit workout, not being able to doing a least one of the activities as prescribed. Take today as an example, I can't do pull ups at all, and squats are difficult for me. Since I can't do squats going down as far as I should, when weight lifting is added to the squats, (front squats) I'm there without any weights, just trying to get the proper squat down! This is very intimidating to me, because once again my pride gets in the way. I want to at least look like I'm trying like everyone else. But I have Sean, this little snotty nose kid that I used to wipe his butt, telling me I can't add weight to my workout until I can do a proper squat. At first I thought this was just pay back for all the times I told him he couldn't do something when he was little, but then I pushed my pride aside and realized that just like when I told him he couldn't do something it was because I loved him and I didn't want him to get hurt (he usually wanted to do stupid, dangerous stuff), he too was looking out for my safety and doesn't want me to get hurt either! Today I practiced my squats without the weights and pull ups like CrossFit Kids do. I must say, I did a lot better on my squats, and still horrible on the pull ups, but just like that "Little Engine That Could" I'm not going to give up and I am going to one day master both of these activities as well as a lot of the others I'm faced with during my workouts. Oh, and one other thing, thanks Sean for loving me and making sure I do the techniques correctly. I love you too!

Food today:
Breakfast: Advocare replacement shake(I think I only have about 3 more days on this challenge)
Lunch: tuna salad lettuce wrap with carrot sticks and celery a little Ranch dressing for dipping.
Snacks: raspberries, blackberries and grapes
Dinner: honey/orange glazed chicken, baked sweet potato, grilled baby zuchini squash with rosemary, salad.
Splurged again and had a cup of coffee

Tomorrow is the end of my first month of my living Paleo lifestyle! This has been an awesome journey, but it's also one that's not ending tomorrow! This is my new lifestyle! Until tomorrow, goodnight and God Bless!

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