Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Day 4: Oh F U D G E

Overslept + rough day at work + tough workout at 5pm + having to go to TCC bookstore with daughter after workout = LEFTOVERS! Waking up when I should have been leaving for work should have given me a clue to how the rest of the day was going to be, but it didn't. My office phone was ringing when I walked in the door, and it went down hill from there. For the next 5 hours it was non-stop phone ringing, rushing to get some very important information that was needed like yesterday, and smelling homemade fudge sitting on the table next to my desk. Not only is there homemade fudge, but there was also M&M's and kisses. I think that everyone brought in their unwanted leftover Christmas candy into my office to share today! Only having a protein shake for breakfast because I woke up late, and the smell of that sweet aroma of chocolate didn't make me a happy camper. I was so busy at work and smelling the chocolate made me hungry. I was lucky that I had a a few nuts hidden away in my desk. I got to go to lunch around 12:30 and had a porkchop and salad. Afternoon actually quieted down at work and things started looking up. I was smelling that sweet aroma of chocolate but with food in my tummy, I was able to overcome that temptation. For dinner I had leftover chili with avocado, hot tea and for a snack today I ate an apple on my way home from work and some pumpkin seeds after my workou

Workout for the day, or in Crossfit terminology, WOD, was 150 wall ball shots for time. A wall ball shot is throwing a weight ball (mine was 8 pounds)up in the air, as you catch it you go into a squat. You do this for a 150 times as fast as you can and then yell TIME! Once agian I can't do the workout as prescribed because of a bad knee, but I tried my best and completed the WOD in 8:33. I'm tired, but it's a good tired.

Well, it's time to hit the showers and then bed an have visions of that fudge dance in my head! I only hope that by the time I get to work tomorrow it's all gone! Goodnight and God Bless!

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