Monday, January 2, 2012

Day 2 I Think I Can, I Think I Can!

I started my day off this morning with a protein shake with frozen fruit. I headed to Owasso for a Crossfit workout, check out my sons gym by visiting where I proceeded to get bad news. They are doing a 24 or is it 28? day challenge and are taking everyone's, weight, measurements and body fat %. This my friends is where the bad news comes in. Here's where I'm going to get real, open up and divulge way more information than you want to know about me, but I found out that I'm FAT! I'm 5'6 1/2", weigh 153.5, and am 40.5% body fat. Total bummer! This my friends is one of the reasons why I decided to start eating better, and this is also why I NEED to start eating better and exercising more.

The Crossfit work out was pretty tough, at least for a weakling like me it was. Lucily Crossfit can be scaled down so beginners like me with knee problems can still do the workout. Today's scaled down workout consisted of: 30 kettle bell swings 18 pounds of weight, then for 10 minutes we did as many reps as possible of, 5 ring pull ups, 10 hand release push ups, and 15 squats. I did 5 rounds plus 5 pull ups and the 10 push ups. I almost completed 6 full reps. Yea for me!

By the time I got home from my workout, I was starving so I made a pork chop with garlic and rosemary, spicy sweet potatoes (slice sweet potatoes in the shape you want, rub olive oil all over them place on a baking sheet and sprinkle garlic powder, pepper, cheyenne pepper, and chili powder on top then bake until potatoes are tender in 350 degree oven) They have just the right amount of kick! I also had a spinach and arugula salad with avocado oil and lime dressing.

I had my company over tonight for dinner and I must say I'm pretty proud of my self for sticking to the Paleo diet. I made chili, I did serve my company cheese, sour cream with chips and crackers. I didn't have any of those items and sent the rest home with one of my friends so I wouldn't be tempted to eat them in a moment of weakness. For dessert I made the Paleo apple crisp I told you about yesterday. It was OK but I think there are a few changes I'll make next time I make it. I served it to my company with ice cream but I poured a little coconut milk on mine. Everyone said that it was good,it just wasn't what I'm use to eating with all the sugar and butter left out. All in all it was a success. I can have company and still eat Paleo. I think I can do this, well at least for 2 days I can. I'm just going to have to keep telling myself, I think I can, I think I can! Tomorrow faces more challenges, I go back to work! Now it's off to bed, until tomorrow, sweet dreams and God Bless!

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