Monday, January 23, 2012

Day 23: The Year of the Dragon!

Have you ever looked at Chinese astrology? Apparently this is the year of the dragon and depending upon what year you were born you too could be a dragon and this year will be your lucky year! I had to investigate this to see if I too were a dragon. As luck would have it, I am NOT a dragon. Of all things I am a rat! Not just any old rat, but a Metal Rat! What the heck is a Metal Rat? If you were born in the year 1960, you join ranks of the title Metal Rat too! How awesome is that? As a Metal Rat, I am a strong willed individual (yes, yes I am!) Who is determined to get what I want, (again yes) and will get it regardless the cost (NOT SO MUCH!) I am intensively emotional and my behavior can border on extreme. (Does someone have a camera watching me in my house?) I have possessive feelings, envy and rage can cause problems. Ya think? Metal Rats are obstinate! Seriously? Obstinate? No way! Well, maybe way! I had to look up the rest of my family to see if any of them were Dragons. Barbie is an Earth Dragon! Some of how they described an Earth Dragon weren’t true for her, but the one that described her best is: She is supportive of others BUT she prefers to be admired by other. This is SOOOOOOOOOO Barbie! Everyone that knows Barbie will totally agree with me here! Georgia is a Water Monkey, known to be jokesters and she is. Sean and Courtney are both Fire Tigers and in the way they are described is SPOT ON! Expressive, vibrant and a bit eccentric, Fire Tigers are always looking at the positive side of every situation. Because they’re able to generate excitement in others, they’re considered excellent leaders. When Fire Tigers speak, others listen – and do what they’re told! What did I tell you? The only one of my family that the Chinese didn’t get correct at all is my husband George. He is a Fire Monkey. Full of strength and determination, (yes he is) Fire Monkeys are excellent setting goals, (yes again) and in meeting them as well (not so much, he is a little ADD when it comes to reaching his goal). Others enjoy being in the company of Fire Monkeys, even though these Monkeys want the upper hand in every situation. It was kind of fun looking at this kind of nonsense. You should go look at what they say about you and the year you were born, see if you get a little laugh out of it!
OK so back to the actual reason I started my blogging in the first place. Today at CrossFit was Megan’s Birthday, Although I can’t remember having ever met Megan, I participated in her birthday workout. It looked easy on paper but in reality, not so much. First our warm up was 15 minutes of Death By Pull Ups. I seriously think this should be taken off the market, anything with "Death" in its name can’t be good for you! Case in point "Death By Chocolate" It can’t be good for you, all that butter and sugar and deep rich chocolate goodness is a heart attack waiting to happen! I rest my case! OK back to the party, after the pull ups we did a 200 meter run, 21 jumping pull ups (yes after we already died from regular pull ups) then last but not least 22 squats. Oh, did I forget to mention we got to do this 5 times? Yes, so by the time we did the workout we had run 1000 meters, did 105 jumping pull ups and 110 squats, all after we had already died from regular push ups. Oh, and we did it for time, that means see how fast you can do it! My time was 15:49, Happy Birthday Megan! See it’s all because of those Fire Tigers up there telling us what to do and we JUMP!

Food for the day:
Breakfast: Advocare Replacement Shake
Snack: Pistachios
Lunch: Hamburger on lettuce and Sweet potato fries
Dinner: Chicken Stir Fry and a salad
When you make any stir fry, you really have to read the back of the pre-made bottles of sauces. They do contain Wheat and Wheat products, yes and sugar too! I found one that was gluten free and suffered through the sugar part! This is a little cheat on my part but, I was hungry from the workout and I wanted something fast!

Tomorrow we are going out to eat with a group of people at Uncle Bucks inside Bass Pro in Broken Arrow. Everything seems to be breaded, fried or served with corn and corn bread. I’m still going to show that I have the will power to NOT give in and still eat Paleo. They do have a grilled chicken and some salads so I’ll stick to one of those. So until tomorrow, goodnight and God Bless!

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