Sunday, January 1, 2012

In The Beginning

What is this Paleo thing?  I like to think that it is NOT a diet but a conscious choice is choosing good food to improve your way of life.  I've been reading up on Paleo foods and have decided that January 1, 2012, I was going to choose Paleo diet as way of life for me.  I'm sure this is going to be a challenge for me as well as my family, but since I'm the cook they have no other options but to either eat what I make or make something themselves.  If you know my family, they don't like to fix food for themselves.

The challenges I face are too numerous to count, but my major challenge is going to be giving up sugar.  I'm totally a sugarholic! (my made up word) I love sugar in my tea, sugar in my coffee, sugar on my sugar.  If you've ever seen the movie Men In Black, I would rate close up there to the Alien that is always looking for sugar!

Another thing that is going to be difficult to give up is wheat/gluten.  It seems that gluten is in almost everything these days.  What about those wonderful Oreo cookie balls, cakes, breads, biscuits!  What am I ever going to do?  Luckily I found an amazing cookbook called "Paleo Comfort Foods" and I've found recipes for breads, cakes fried chicken and more.  Yum, Yum!

I started this blog so I would be accountable to myself and hopefully this will help me to overcome these rough days ahead.  I will appreciate any feed back and helpful suggestions you have found that might make this transition an easy one.  I will be posting food we've eaten throughout the day and much more.  If you feel like you want to make this change in your lifestyle too, feel free to join me.  There is power in numbers.  So here we go...

Day 1 of Paleo Living:
For breakfast I made:
Paleo Biscuits, recipe from the " Paleo Comfort Foods" cookbook, bacon and eggs.  So far so good.  Today is a rest day off exercise so I'm going to take it easy!

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